Stargazmo69's forum posts
I was asking myself the same questiion after he beat Sandman with the Steam Roller. Originally it was the Green Bay Plunge and that's what it was going to stay as but because of the risk of injury he changed to some sort of neckbreaker which didn't last long. Then he switched to the Kenton Bomb (Swanton Bomb). And now he's just been winning with random stuff (the knee to Lashey, that top rope reverse neckbreaker to Super Crazy, the steam roller to Sandman etc.).
Also I completely agree with your Cryme Tyme comment. As much as I hate the whole ghetto rap scene, the way they deliver on the mic is just so entertaining. Not to mention the crowd loves them.
[QUOTE="mrgab"]Would be more interesting if it was one of the guys in Cryme Tyme.lilhbk
how woud that make it interesting?
um...cuz they're black...
As a character: YES!
As a person: I hope he gets better soon.
I don't see how anyone getting injured is a positive thing in any sort of way. WWE superstars are dropping like flies, and to be honest the very last thing we need are more main eventers getting injured, no matter how much you may not like them.
[QUOTE="Stargazmo69"]NO NO NO NO NO, the dating game segment was NOT FUNNY, why do people keep saying it was?! How could you guys find that garbage funny? Family Guy is funny, Old ladies falling down stairs is funny, Jackass is funny, Dating Game segment on WRESTLING=NOT FUNNY. Worste Raw EVER!Chicago_NutFamily Guy funny? Now I know why you didn't like it, because Family Guy is just utter garbage right now. New episodes of Family Guy = the worst episodes of any animated show I've ever seen. I mean, just when I get into the story of an episode, they cut to some crappy joke with a horrible setup. Sorry, but I just had to rant, I used to like FG but now I despise it, it's teh suck.
On the contrary, I'm starting to feel the same way about Family Guy. Their are a lot of times in the newer episodes where I'm just like...that wasn't funny. However, I fell in love with the show after my mom bought me the season 1 and 2 box set for my birthday a couple years back (best seasons EVER) so I'm not just gonna be like, hmmm the new season is lackluster...I HATE FAMILY GUY. I'm really a huge fan of Seth Mcfarlan's work and I think it's a helluva a lot funnier then "SPAM, NAM, SCRAM!".
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