I love how everyone is complaining about MS' intentions with used games when it has been like this for PC games for years. None of you clearly know how difficult it is to make a game and how much money gets put into it. Yes their should be an activation fee for used games because currently as it stands, devs and publishers get no money when used games are sold.
@Greylith Exactly, the series goes 3,1,4,2. No wonder it got a reboot, stupid fanboys need to get their heads out of the sand and wake up to it. The franchise died twice, (DmC4 was so lackluctser I cried and *shivers* DmC2). When the announced this reboot 2 years ago I was'nt supprised, the series has needed one.
@Kabbalistica Thats the thing, you don't know, just because you don't like the game because you don't like the thought of a reboot does'nt give you the right to insult those who do. I'd have you know I have played all the DMC games to hell and back (no pun intended). DmC has bad combat and controls?....ok, Do you even know what your talking about?. It plays the same as the others, it's no different, litterally no different. In fact the gameplay felt nostalgic. The sotryline of the orgignal 4 was a horrid mess, hell the story is such a mess the games are not even in number order. Suck it up, I like this game and so do many others, get over it. The DMC fanchise fell flat twice and has needed a reboot for years and it thank God has finally got one.
I've played this game, so far it's exactly the same as the others, Dante just looks different . In fact in my opinion it's better. The storyline of the original games was a complete mess. The combat in DmC is simple and fast paced, the characters are great, voice acting and story was good too. I don't see the problem, if people claim to be a true Devil May Cry fan then they will enjoy this game and play it for hours and hours, get over the fact Dante looks different, grow some balls and grow the BEEP up.
This is why there are age requirements for video games, some video games like Call of Duty and Serious Sam even have options to block blood, violence, gore etc. As a player of video games for over 15 years I have never once acted violently or simulated any violence I have seen in a video game, this is because I know the difference between reality and virtual reality. If someone acts violently under the influence of a video game they are probally mentally unstable and their parents are'nt doing the job they are suppost to, teaching them right from wrong. I allways hear 10 year olds while playing on COD when that game is 18 rated. It is only the fault of the parent. I was brough up well so I understand wrong from right. Parents these days are too busy boozing up and just leave their children talking to strangers while playing on 18 rated games.
The level cap is already 81, and thats when all skills are at 100. The most I could see them doing is giving us extra perk points to give us more power or simply add reward perks, a level cap would'nt seem possible as once you hit level 81 their are no skills left to rank up to reach a higher level. Unless they change it and add experience points but that would mean redesigning the entire level system.
StarlightHunter's comments