Sigh. EA do not develop Dead Space, they publish Dead Space which means they fund it's development and they are also responseable for advertising it and they are the largest and most sucessful publisher in the gaming industry. The development team who are Visceral Games make Dead Space. I personally don't mind it having co-op.
EA don't develop Dead Space, they publish it meaning they fund it's development, they don't have a say in what the game is going to be like, the lead game designer is who comes up with the story and designs. EA don't suck either seeing that they are the largest and wealthest publisher in the gaming industry.
Sigh, Lol at all the people complaining about Dante looking different in this new game. It's just like the whole "oh no sonic has green eyes now, they should be black" *fan rage*. Get over it, times change, it's called evolution.
I agree with Vimanesda, stop comparing two games that are completely different together. And I'm sorry but Call of Duty is the most overrated game of this generation and don't kick off because it is the truth, all it has is multiplayer, it cannot compaire to Bioshock in terms of campaign and story. Bioshock is one of the best games I have ever played on, the story was, I can't explain it, you'll have to play it because it was awsome and I am excited for the sequel.
Thanks nintendo but no thanks. its good that they are addign new tech to the DS, but if that means sacrificing the GBA slot?, id rather have that to be honest.
i actually played a dvd on my xbox 360 and it looked amazing. but still no thanks, i bought it for gaming and gaming alone. if i wanted to web browse i would go on my lap top like im doing now.
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