@VeeArSick @the_big_doggg "Awesome, so now my TV explodes with annoying children on Xbox Live!" Solution, mute them or change family settings so you cannot communicate with people of your choice. It's not like Microsoft is asking you to revolutionize nuclear energy for the entire planet is it.
@lubbalots @JumpyLuweegee I dunno about anyone else but the PS4 looks like it's going to have cooling issues, it has a similar layout as the original 360.
@LittleSaintGoph @wizzzer_thy_133 You do realise that a console is basically an antiquated PC right. PC's are more powerful than consoles can ever dream of being. PC's are a hardcode gamers paradise, especially if you care about speed and performance. Exclusive titles and content is the only edge consoles have on them.
@Chrypt22 @the_ono Pretty much, I feel safer on the Xbox 360 because Microsoft care about their customers privacy. Sony lost my trust due to their sheer greed and incompetence. And what's funny is that every calls Microsoft Micro$oft where it should be $ony. They fuckers even wanted £700 fo the PS3, lol they can stick that up their asses.
@MadMike2869 @ALCHEMISTx24x7 Are you retarded, of course it's sonys fault, they released the update, maybe their QA testers should of done a better job, Microsoft's do.
@COPMAN221ISBACK @ALCHEMISTx24x7 Where did you pull that fact from your ass. RROD is really an invalid argument since the PS3 has the YLOD issue and there have been no issues with the Xbox 360 s version.
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