If you are going to compare the video game industry to a restaurant, at least make it realistic. What happens when you have bad service and/or bad food at restaurant? 1) You tell them they are about to lose a customer and demand a refund. The restaurant would benefit from this kind of feedback to better customer satisfaction. or 2) Pay and leave, then never go back to that restaurant. Oh and then tell your friends and family to never eat there as well. That's bad news for a restaurant when this happens... never under-estimate the impact of word-of-mouth.
What does the Sim City debacle fall under, Mr. McGhee? I'm thinking the second scenario. Surely EA lost future purchases for Sim City in their misguided fight against piracy.
I could try to counter his argument but I'm sure there is someone out there who can speak in a more eloquent manner. So to Leland YEE, go f*ck yourself!!!
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