You said that "we don't postulate the same things". Since my postulates were evolution and a godless universe it's only logical that i assumed that you believe in god and are against evolution. Was i wrong or? so you assume and i am wrong? really? mr agnostic does not base his theories on religion or lack there of so you assume he is religious....[QUOTE="Stavrogin_"][QUOTE="surrealnumber5"] and there is the ad hominem attack, where have i made any religious based argument? and you are still dismissing any other view or valuation on a purely speculative and subjective grounds. i am sure you would accept any valuation that agreed with yours but that hardly leaves you open to others valuations. please stick to arguments without making fallacious attacks.
religion does not hold sway on me either way... i dont assume because there is no god life must be devoid of purpose... i dont assume because of god life is worth living. those are not the two views in this world, and many people dont even try to fit god into their equation. it is weird that a self described atheist would put so much weight in a god he does not believe could exist.
Look, the postulates are pretty simple, this is a godless universe and we are a product of evolution, from then on it's pretty simple. Why are you so stubborn, you said and i will quote you again "we don't postulate the same things". Do you disagree with these two or what, make up your mind...
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