Ah mate, I'd rather not try to fight for my bloody rights on GS. It won't prove anything, just get into more trouble. This is the most.."strictest" website I have ever been to. But as you know, everyone has a different opinion for everything. We can't all agree that something is or isn't offensive.
StealthKing93's forum posts
Ah I have the same feeling you do m8, I would stare at my icons and wonder what to play. The reason we feel that way is probably because games are being so rushed and finished up quick there isn't much as what was supposed to be in them, all of that finished so quick and for what? They want money so bad that they don't care what they're gamers get, just what they get, and thats our money.
And yes maybe you do need to find another hobby, I have some suggestions.
Hunting, Fishing, watchinganimals(lol), or maybe read some WWII books or something that interest you.
Videogames are something to enjoy, such as a shooting game..would you like to get shot in real life or a game? Videogames are the better "sports", just sit down in a chair or lay on your bed and play as some awesome character and do all kind of things that only require moving your fingers around, and maybe requires using your brain..for once.
Well, most games are violent because being violent is fun rather than in real life.. is it both, or the other way around? o.O
If games were not violent at all, what would we do without it? Violence keeps us alive, afterall..we are humans aren't we?
I like either, realism is good for me. But see, I am forgetting ALL about gaming...you know why? Gaming will never be what it once was, all we hear about are these so-called "great games", then we buy it then play, and all we see is how it was rushed. I am tired of getting rushed games, for example.
Crysis, it had a great story no doubt, the single player was long..but not long enough. Also, the difficulty, it's definately not what it says it is. Like that difficulty level I played, "Delta-100%", felt like 15% to me. I beat Crysis on hardest diff in 9 hours. I beat Crysis Warhead in 4 hours. Both are kind of short. Multiplayer is fun..
All they care about nowadays is money, more money, and money. These days, we are so bored and tired of it, so we buy games that aren't even worth half of their price. Someday, no one will buy PC games anymore because they are so rushed and the companies "had to get it done in a jiffy".
Elder Scrolls III Morrowind just made me hurl. I felt like killing myself, I couldnt't stand to even look at the game!
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