[QUOTE="AdmiralBison"]When I mean by "Real" I mean closest to sort of plausible with what games are out there at the moment.
People are still sort of able to make a living, the environement is sort of living and breathing itself and has a sort of semblence to the real world. no superheroes or something super fantastic.
Also remember you are simply you. Your are not super fast, super strong, you do not level up really fast. Just as vulnerable as any of the citizen NPCs or maybe even less sufficient because you are still getting use to the game world.
Example Fallout 3. The majority of known civilization has been devastated by past nuclear wars and is now in a very similair situation like in Fall-out. Everyone is out to look out for number 1 only, They're are Ruthless gangs and Savages, bodies hanging in chains and everything you eat and rink is radiated. Plus the technology has a 1950s look to it. None of the modern tech we have.
Imagined you where all of a sudden sucked into the world of Fall out 3, and you had no money (Caps), only the clothes on your back and you found yourself in the middle of the wasteland 40 clicks away from the closest "Friendliest" town and your sure you heard a Deathclaw walking around somewhere.
You acutally feel pain, get tired, hungry, thirsty etc. and you only have your one life. Once you die, you die.
Actually my pick would have to be Fallout out 3.
No ones acutally flushes the toilets and cleans the bathrooms, some characters are really crazy and go about wiping out whole towns and I have to go out into the wastland to scrounge for a living, because I don't have actual military training, I didn't grow up with 1950 tech. Hoping I have enough ammo to fend myself from packs of savage dogs, mutants and Cocroaches big enough to bite your head off.Lol
The only thing worse I can think of is living in the World of Silent Hill, but those towns have all been abandoned.It's not plausible anyway.
What game world would you hate to live in if you where all of a sudden sucked into it indefinately.
I already started saving caps for when america gets nuked. I have 50 Hmmm, yes good thinking. I better do some research on the Fat Man or better yet the MIRV gun and see where they would be in case i need to wipe out a ton of ghouls.I should also plan out what perks i'm going to pick.
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