SteezyZ's forum posts
VALVe successfully avoided the Almighty Microsoft scamming scheme? gg VALVefoxhound_foxRiiiight, I'm sure all those devs releasing DLC content at a price just "hate" skimming some more money from the public..."Oh MS, why do you make me cash in some more? I hates tha monezs." Honestly, I'm sure there are only a handful that are willing to support their product post-release for free, and a huge kudos to them. I'm glad that Valve finagled this deal for the 360 version. As for updating TF2 for the 360, at this point the only way that's happening is if they do a "TF2: Still Alive" standalone DLC at $20 like they did for Portal.
I was secretly hoping that they would add TH-TLS as a single-player portion to L4D...I mean, it's (supposedly) been in development for a long time now, it was announced around the release of HL2. But I too fear that it's never coming out at this point.I must admit that I fear the worst for "They Hunger - Lost Souls". not a word in way over a year, its like they vanished from the face of the planet...
A bloody shame too, because I really looked farwards to a classic zombie game.
lack of emphasis of resource gatheringdthach614This is a huge plus for me (and DoW2). Memorizing build orders and having to babysit your base is no fun. Adding tactical complexity to the actual action is win (although HW doesn't really do that).
For the revolutionary new piece of media storage... that isn't impressive. Considering DVD would be controlling the other 83%.foxhound_foxAnd I wonder if they need to watch out for DD sneaking up behind them... But yeah, of course BR will replace DVD eventually. Once the standalone players hit $100 and your local video store has 50/50 stock of DVD/BR movies, DVD will officially go the way of the VHS.
Why? They gave it a good score, but also pointed out their issues with the game. If anything, they were thorough.i think it was one of the worst reviews.
Mandatory installs are still here in 2009 ? :lol:Gh0st_Of_0nyxWelcome to the future. There's a reason why PC gaming has had mandatory installs for, like, ever. It simply can offer better performance. I think it's been a kick in the nuts for PS3 owners up until now that any multiplat with an install didn't really offer anything more over the 360. At least now they get more zombies (or so the rumors goes).
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