Look at the current sales figures. Worldwide in just about 3 years the 360 has sold around 20 million consoles. In just two years the PS3 has sold 14.5 million consoles. I have a feeling that the gap is going to close dramatically this holiday season. Sony is going to continue to pump out quality games for the next serveral months and into next year. By next November the PS3 should have surpassed the 360 in total console sales even though the 360 had a year head start.
I don't see how the PS3 can "dramatically close the gap this holiday season":
-A 360 can be had for $200.
-A standalone BluRay player can be had for $200 now, and will probably be down to $175 for holiday sales.
So basically, as a game console and as a BluRay player, the PS3 has passed it's sweet spot in cost. And unfortunately for Sony, the cost will most likely have a dramatic impact this holiday season, especially in the economic crunch.
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