As of late I have been taking interest in the prospect of HD rereleses. For those who have been living under a damn rock, HD rereleases arepackaged values of mainly two or more games. These games are usually from the previous generation (Xbox, PS2) and are updated with improved graphics and Trophy/Achievement support. Notable among these are the God of War Collection, the Prince of Persia HD Trilogy, and the upcoming Splinter Cell HD Trilogy.
There has been debate over these collections. Some fans feel that it's all a scam, that developers just want to make more money.
I disagree.
I welcome these rereleases. With the updates, you're getting more bang for your buck anda chance to relive some old memories. Furthermore, it gives players who never played those games a chance to. Finding them on previous-gen systems is becoming harder each and every day.
I own the God of War Collection, and I pre-ordered the Splinter Cell HD Trilogy, due to release at the end of September. There are more coming out soon, but await the announcement of more! The following are some that I hope to see soon, each with updated graphics and their own set of trophies...
Mortal Kombat Kollection: Deadly Alliance, Deception, Shaolin Monks, Armageddon
Grand Theft Auto Collection: GTAIII, Vice City, San Andreas (Optional: Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories)
Hitman HD Trilogy: Silent Assassin, Contracts, Blood Money
Half-Life Collection: Half-Life with expansions Blue Shift, Opposing Force, and Decay
Twisted Metal Collection: Twisted Metal Black, Twisted Metal Head-On
In addition, when and if Valve finally releases Half-Life 2: Episode 3, I'd like to see a Half-Life 2 Collection released with Trophy support. Nuff said!
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