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StillFreeTagger Blog

Of Bats and Hidden Blades

I am still stealth abound!

Today I got both Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition, and Assassin's Creed 2. Arkham Asylum was a gift from dad for helping with the roof, and I bought AC2 new at K-Mart.

Yes, I know what you're thinking..."Why play Asylum when Arkham City is out?" Well I never finished Asylum when my friend lent me it a year ago. I wanna beat it before moving onto Arkham City.

I'll start AC2 after I beat Asylum. WHOO!


Winner: Altiar and Ezio

In last post, I expressed interest in giving the Assassin's Creed series another try and possibly looking at Metal Gear Solid 4.

Well I've thought it over, and the Assassins win. I WILL give MGS4 a try someday, but Assassin's Creed Revelations looks amazing, and plus Assassin's Creed 2 is also $20 bucks at K-Mart.

I'll be sure to let you all know then.


Welcome Ye Assassins

Hello folks. Hope all is well.

It's super early, but I believe I may have already chosen my game of the year for 2012. As you may know, a 16 minute gameplay video was released last week for the amazing Hitman: Absolution. I've been a longtime fan of the series, and all I can say is it looks absolutely beastly! Rest assured that I will be pre-ordering Agent 47's latest contract once the release date is announced. Until then, I may go back and play Silent Assassin, Contracts, and Blood Money.

Speaking of well known assassins, I've been thinking of giving the Assassin's Creed franchise another chance. I was ok with the original game (despite it's repetativeness) but lost interest as soon as Ezio became the main focus. However, I've been looking at previews for Revelations, and find myself wanting to go back and try AC2 and Brotherhood. It'll be a while before I do though. I need a job. I'm broke. Killing Templars is not in the cards right now.

I have a question for you my friends. Yes, it is about another stealth game. The other day I was at K-Mart, looking at what games were on the clearance rack. I happened to eyeball the Greatest Hits edition of Metal Gear Solid 4 for $20. Now, I've never been a fan of Metal Gear. I always chalked it up as a sub-par stealth game that was created in the wake of good, Japanese, drug use. Well after seeing it on clearance, I looked up some videos. Compared to the rest of the series, it looks like I'd enjoy it.

So the question (or questions as it were) is MGS4 worth the buy, and do I need to play the previous games beforehand?'s not just for ninjas anymore. =P


One Love N64

So Star Fox 64 3D just recently hit store shelves. I want it, but once I get a 3DS, Ocarina of Time is first and foremost!

Many would claim they don't want the 3DS library to be cluttered with N64 remakes, but honestly I could really care less. To me, the N64 and Gamecube were Nintendo's best consoles. Bring on the remakes I say!

These are the games from the glory days that I wanna see on the 3DS!

Majora's Mask: This MUST be remade! Majora's Mask has always been my favorite in the Zelda series and it deserves the same treatment as Ocarina of Time!

F-Zero X: I actually picked this up for my N64 a couple weeks ago, and it is still one of the best racing games of all time. The tracks in the original were stripped of heavy detail in order to keep a smooth framerate with 30 racers. With the 3DS graphical capability, the tracks can get the detail they need. Also, as with Star Fox, F-Zero has been absent for far too long.

Earthworm Jim 3D: Many didn't care much for this game, but I sure did. With Earthworm Jim 4 cancelled, why not give this a chance?

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire: I'd rather see this remade on PS3/360, but 3DS wouldn't be so bad.

Rocket: Robot on Wheels: It's not going to happen seeing as Sucker Punch belongs to Sony, but I'm gonna list it anyway.

Pokemon Stadium: If not a remake, then make an original title using all...500 and something Pokemon?

Star Wars Episode 1 Racer: A love Podracing. Nuff said.

That's all I can think of for now. My mind is blank. It's Sunday for goodness sake. What would you like to see?


Holiday Wishes

The holidays are upon us once again. Many big-name titles are releasing beginning in October. So much to play, yet so little money.

I'm hoping to get a red 3DS for Christmas along with Ocarina of Time 3D. Before then however, I'm probably gonna try to pick up Rayman Origins, Sonic Generations, and Batman: Arkham City. Tis a shame Twisted Metal and The Darkness 2 couldn't make it this year.

So what are my homies looking forward to?

Buttload of Crap

Sigh...quite a bit has happened since my last post.

A few weeks ago I lost my job at Subway due to a misunderstanding. In turn, my mother forced me to drop out of community college and move to Pennsylvania to live with my dad. Now here I am...back in the state of my birth...friendless, jobless, and schoolless. =/

Can't say it's all bad. My dad and step-mom are very supportive, and I soon have an interview with the Art Institute in York.

As for gaming, it's been slow, but I do have plenty to keep me busy. I'm still playing the Orange Box. Furthermore, I bought Sonic Unleashed, The Godfather: Don's Edition, and The Godfather 2. So, when I do have time, I'm set.

I've also been taking a look at the Resistance series, and find myself intrigued. Also, November is coming up, the biggest month for gaming. The game I will deffinetly be getting is Rayman Origins. Sonic Generations is also a consideration.


Mood Facade

A lot has happened in the last two months. Personally, I believe I've gotten better, even with constantbull flying everywhere. My mom is always telling me that things get better...but the question is WHEN?!

I've finally gotten over my ex...yet at the same time I haven't. She was my first love. My first kiss. My first sexual experience. My first comic convention! The truth is I may never be over her, but at least I can move on a little bit knowing that I tried. I guess that's all I can ask for right now.

With my current paycheck from Subway (my job as of one month) I've searched the Earth and the depths of Hell, and finally got the PS3 version of The Orange Box. I've been needin' a fix of Half-Life 2 and Portal. Also learning that the PS3 is a region-free system, I took a chance and ordered the European-only release of Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon. Should keep me busy for a while when I'm not at community college taking classes.

I've also been getting more and more into music. Just recently purchased The Fall by Gorillaz, the Tron Legacy soundtrack by Daft Punk, and Hellbilly Deluxe 2 Special Edition by Rob Zombie. Whatever helps.

I'm alive and mostly well folks. I'm grateful for that. Who knows what the future holds?


Reviving a Moment: A Blog on HD Rereleases

As of late I have been taking interest in the prospect of HD rereleses. For those who have been living under a damn rock, HD rereleases arepackaged values of mainly two or more games. These games are usually from the previous generation (Xbox, PS2) and are updated with improved graphics and Trophy/Achievement support. Notable among these are the God of War Collection, the Prince of Persia HD Trilogy, and the upcoming Splinter Cell HD Trilogy.

There has been debate over these collections. Some fans feel that it's all a scam, that developers just want to make more money.

I disagree.

I welcome these rereleases. With the updates, you're getting more bang for your buck anda chance to relive some old memories. Furthermore, it gives players who never played those games a chance to. Finding them on previous-gen systems is becoming harder each and every day.

I own the God of War Collection, and I pre-ordered the Splinter Cell HD Trilogy, due to release at the end of September. There are more coming out soon, but await the announcement of more! The following are some that I hope to see soon, each with updated graphics and their own set of trophies...

Mortal Kombat Kollection: Deadly Alliance, Deception, Shaolin Monks, Armageddon

Grand Theft Auto Collection: GTAIII, Vice City, San Andreas (Optional: Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories)

Hitman HD Trilogy: Silent Assassin, Contracts, Blood Money

Half-Life Collection: Half-Life with expansions Blue Shift, Opposing Force, and Decay

Twisted Metal Collection: Twisted Metal Black, Twisted Metal Head-On

In addition, when and if Valve finally releases Half-Life 2: Episode 3, I'd like to see a Half-Life 2 Collection released with Trophy support. Nuff said!


I Now Hate Developers

Except Rockstar Games. They still rule.

It was bad enough when Netherrealm Studios announced DLC fighters for Mortal Kombat. One of them being Rain, the purple, water ninja and one of my top ten Kombatants. Now...they're announcing Freddy Krueger?! FREDDY FREAKING KRUEGER IS GOING TO BE ON MORTAL KOMBAT!!

This is so unfair!

I don't have a decent enough internet connection to connect my PS3 to PSN. DLC for me. Therefor, no Rain and no Freddy! This is really starting to bug me! Sure, there are developers out there who will release the DLC on disc (like the oh so awesome Rockstar) but the majority just pisses me off!

Ed Boon...I have mad respect for you, but dammit you better release an updated version of MK or so help me!