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StillFreeTagger Blog

To save someone you love...

I would have updated sooner, but I've been without internet for a couple of days.

Saturday, I got Heavy Rain! Man...that game is deep. I've already beaten it once. I'm on my second playthrough, trying out different choices and trying to get the remaining (surprisingly easy) trophies. Funny to say, one of the four heroes died on my first round. lol

Well, that's one out of three on my list. Next up...Mortal Kombat.


To chew @$$ and kick bubblegum...wait...

I beat Resident Evil 5 about a week ago...well, ok the main story. I still have yet to try out the extra scenarios. I'm currently playing Sonic 2006. Still don't see why it's so hated.

I'm still gonna go for my vow of buying MK 2K11 and Heavy Rain, and not buying anything for the rest of the year. However, I'm gonna alter it a bit. I'm becoming excited for Duke Nukem Forever.

With that said...I vow that after I buy Mortal Kombat 2011, Heavy Rain, and Duke Nukem Forever, I will try my best to not buy anymore games until at least November! SO SAYETH ME!


To Take Care

I played a little more of Resident Evil 5 lastnight. It's gotten better, but I still believe it's slightly inferior to the rest of the series.

Video games are still my hobby (collecting and playing) but I've been slowing down lately for many reasons. It's my senior year, and I really need to focus on what's important. Furthermore, I feel I've only been playing games lately to interact with a good story (similar to curling up with a good book) or to releave stress.

Don't worry, I am not giving up on video games. I'm just trying to keep control. Again, I just have many important things to worry about.

With that said, I am still going for the new Mortal Kombat on April 19th. That, and if I got Heavy Rain, I'd be satisfied for the rest of the year. Hell, I still need to go back and play some of my older PS3 titles. I need to get my trophies back!

That's my deal for the day. Peace


Kijuju Burning Down

Other than Sonic, I've been in a Resident Evil mood lately. The other day I picked up Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition. For the longest time I refused to play it, as my friends claimed it wasn't that good. Well, my dad (who is a major RE fan) said it was ok, and furthermore, without RE5, I wouldn't have the entire main series.

I haven't played too much of it, as I have been switching back and forth between it and The Ballad of Gay Tony. Regardless, here are my early impressions...


The Graphics: Certain Japanese developers (they know who they are) claim that Japan is five years behind the US graphically. Normally, I would slightly agree, but RE5 looks excellent! Even though it was released two years ago, I think it still holds up nicely.

The Story: If you're like me and love the RE canon, this game dives deeper into the struggle. The game answers many questions from previous titles, all the while expanding the universe.

The Gameplay: Pretty much the same from RE4, but still very enjoyable.

The Intensity: The first 7 minutes of the game, you fight a horde of 30 or so zombified Africans along with a giant, ax-wielding brute...with limited ammo. Nuff said.

Josh Stone: I've always had a thing for badass, black characters in games. He's awesome. =)

The Extras: The Gold Edition folks.


Chris Redfield: Truthfully, I never cared much for the character...or his sister. Give me Leon or Rebecca any day. Hell, give me Bruce McGivern!

Sheva: While it is good to have a partner along, AI-controlled Sheva can be a hinderance just like Ashley from RE4. She uses up ammo and health units like no one's business!

Not Scarey: This is Resident Evil! Sure, RE4 wasn't all that scarey, but it still had plenty of jumpy moments. Zombified Europeans freak me out more than zombified Africans.

The Controls: I'm still getting used to them, as the PS3 scheme is way different than a Gamecube controller. The fact that the button I'm used to for firing a weapon is now the map activator, doesn't help.

I'm not saying I don't like it, just so far I'm a bit indifferent. I'm sure it'll get better. Can't wait to find out.


Top 5 Sonic Games

I've been in a mood to do a list on here lately, but couldn't think of an idea. I figured since I'm getting back into Sonic, I might as well go for it.

5. Sonic the Hedgehog 2006

That's right, bring it on! Try and shoot me iffin you want, but I've got a semi-automatic shotgun by God! While Sonic 2006 was panned by both critics and fans, I am one of the few who scour the darkest corners of the internet, and defend its honor. I rarely ever bumped into the camera and graphical problems that reviewers claimed to plague the game. I also enjoyed the epic, and somewhat darker story SEGA presented. The environments were beautiful (possibly the best in any Sonic game) and Silver was a welcomed addition in both character and gameplay.

4 Sonic the Hedgehog 3

This game introduced a beloved character and my personal favorite...Knuckles the Echidna. How could you not like the radical, red rival? Sonic 3 was also responsible for giving us the catchy Angel Island theme.

3. Sonic Heroes

What many consider to be that last, good, 3D Sonic game. Sonic Heroes was a blast, and proved that team-based gameplay was not difficult at all. The game also marked the return of Espio the chameleon, Vector the crocodile, and Charmy bee, the Chaotix! Most memorable moment: blasting through Eggman's air fleet!

2. Sonic Adventure

Back in the late 90s, many were wondering whether or not it was possible to transfer the blue blur to 3D. Sonic Adventure was the answer! With multiple, character campaigns to play through, and awesome music from the likes of Crush 40 and more, Sonic Adventure is my favorite of the 3D games.

1. Sonic & Knuckles

My favorite Sonic game of all time is Sonic & Knuckles...for obvious reasons. It was the first game that allowed you to play as Knuckles. Lock-on tech also allowed you to play as rad red in Sonic 2 and Sonic 3! Most impressive.


Regaining Faith

Hey folks. First off, the PS3 is still working great. I'm currently working on GTA: The Lost and Damned, having beaten GTAIV a few days ago. I also have Resident Evil 5: The Gold Edition coming in the mail. I'll pretty much be busy until the Mortal Kombat launches in April.

Recently, I've been gaining my faith back in Sonic the Hedgehog. After hearing the positives about Sonic Colors, I went back and played some of the older titles (Sonic 2, Sonic & Knuckles, etc.). While the series may no longer have a high standing in my heart, it's still there.

My lack of faith (which was disturbing XP) came about the release of Sonic and the Black Knight. Seriously, I started to think SEGA wanted to screw themselves over! I think it was also due to my break-up a little over a year ago. Some of you may remember that. I was depressed for quite a while. She too was a big Sonic fan.

It's a slow and steady process, but the little, blue dude still puts a smile on my face. Wow...I can't believe it's been 20 years. =)


Mortal Kombat Roster: Liu Kang Revealed!!

The new Mortal Kombat is to drop on April 19th, and I am so excited. Hell, all us Kombatants are excited! In recent weeks, most of the roster has been revealed.

IGN did a preview on the new, brutal, X-Ray moves. Revealed within was my favorite character, Liu Kang! He looks beast!

I cannot wait any longer to rip out some spines. MK9 is my most anticipated of the year! Only a few more spots are left in the roster. Here's looking at you Shang Tsung and Kano! =)


2011 Blog Numeral Uno!

It's 2011, and this is my first blog.

That's pretty much it...well that and my first purchase of the year was Shellshock 2: Blood Trails for the PS3. Should have a new PS3 in 3 weeks.



Hey folks. Today is the final day of 2010. Tomorrow begins the new year of 2011.

I did say I was going to post an awards blog today, but I kinda don't feel like it and I haven't played enough new releases this year to warrant it. However, here are the best 3 2010 titles I've bought and played...

1. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

When this came out, I scraped for money just to get it. I was very lucky when GameStop cut $10 off the price a week after release. Dog Days was short, but the shootouts were very, VERY intense, and the presentation (shaky cam effect, and graphics) was awesome! When it comes to Kane & Lynch and the Army of Two, I'll take the merc and the psycho anyday. Hopefully IO will give us a third title someday...after they give us Hitman 5!

2. Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition

I haven't played this yet (STILL!!!) due to my PS3 getting fried, but I have played GTAIV and its episodes before. They're amazing. Nuff said.

3. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

This game got me into Silent Hill. It was intense and terrifying, especially since you could only run away from and avoid the nightmare creatures.

That's that. Yes, that's right. Call of Duty and Halo are not on there. While I'm at it, here are my 3 most anticipated games of 2011...

1. Mortal Kombat

Do I really need to explain? You should know me by now.

2. Twisted Metal

It's about time that TM was brought back into the public eye. The upcoming game looks to be the most apocalyptic yet!

3. True Crime: Hong Kong

I hated the previous True Crim games, but Hong Kong looks to give GTAIV a run for it's money!

And...I mind as well give you my 3 favorite films of 2010...

1. Tron Legacy

Kudos to Disney, kudos to Daft Punk. This was an amazing movie with epic visuals, and awesome music! Go and watch it...NOW!!

2. The Social Network

You'd think a movie about Facebook would suck..well it didn't. The Social Network had suspense, comedy, drama, etc. It really worked.

3. Scott Pilgrim vs the World

I never read the comic, but the movie was awesome, filled to the brim with comedy, game references, and pure epicness!

Well, that's done. I hope you enjoyed 2010. Happy New Year and I'll see you all in 2011!

Love you guys.