@SavoyPrime @StonerDemon I see you're the Ranger for a reason, man! It's great to share opinions with people that actually know about the business, and I'm a marketing analyst, so I know about it XD XD Hasta luego!
@SavoyPrime Exactly. It's not about the opinions, it's about embedding the video link on thousands of facebook walls and having the words "ps4" and "sony" written thousands of times, so the Google robot gives them high rating during these days.
The video is not supposed to reveal anything. It's just a stingy move that makes people bring PS4 buzz over the net. From that point of view, the video achieved its goal.
Nintendo is not capable of achieving its sales goals by selling consoles and games, so now they want to reach them by sucking youtube ad revenues?
First great idea: Selling 2nd hand consoles directly. Second one: Planning to allow android apps and games on the WiiU. Third one: Sucking ad revenues from Nintendo loyal gamers. Fourth one: Announce, announce, and announce a lot of games... How about releasing them?
Internet can be great for some things and a total b..tch for others. Should this ad be real, it's really bad for any company to have their plans unwrapped in this way. This sucks.
StonerDemon's comments