It should be fine. Never had an issue with getting a trophy twice.
Stratacoustix's forum posts
Trophies are server side, meaning they reside on the PSN only. You won't be able to retrieve them until PSN is back up. After that just go to your trophy tab and sync them.
That is of course assuming that everyone's trophies aren't completely lost in Sony's network rebuild. Hey, it could happen.
Not a big surprise, not a big deal. DX11 support would be nice, especially for the performance gains (if they even exist). KHAndAnime
So far it does seem that there are performance gains from DX11. Depending on the game I've noticed anywhere from 10-25 fps in gains on my GTX 560 Ti. Especially noticable in BC 2 and Just Cause 2.
Seen around people looking for stills from the most recent BF3 trailer so I thought I'd grab a few of the new video shots and share them here for the taking.
That depends on if you count the 100's of consumers who's Emachines failed to run Oblivion and resulted in them posting here complaining and then buying an Xbox because PC Gaming is a waste of money.
And how does that have anything to do with what he said?
Because alot of hardware failure is due to lack of the consumer knowledge. I work in 40+ homes a week and I couldn't tell you how many Xbox 360 power bricks, or even units themselves I've seen sitting on the carpet or tucked into a 3' tv stand with no ventilation. Console design is closer to PC's now, you can't just throw a crapload of hardware into a box and expect it to not get hot.
Has there ever been one?XD[QUOTE="Kinthalis"]When was the last time you ever heard fo a PC component with an over 50% failure rate?
That depends on if you count the 100's of consumers who's Emachines failed to run Oblivion and resulted in them posting here complaining and then buying an Xbox because PC Gaming is a waste of money.
You shouldn't have any instability unless it's just a faulty core. The Gigabyte boards do a good job of automatically setting the voltage for the chip. If you have problems with the overclock just knocked down your multiplier and leave the voltage as is, unless of course it's running way too low or too high.
As far as the freq changing, your right on the mark. That's just AMD Cool and Quiet slowing down the CPU usage when it's not needed. Either disable it in your bios or leave it, and run a game in the background to crank up your CPU to see it's actual speed.
Sorry I missed the bottlenecking question part.
No you should be fine. I'm running the same video card you are, 4gb Gskill 1600, but I have a Gigabyte UD4P board. That's the only real difference between your hardware and mine.
I run Bad Company 2 in 1920x1080, everything on high, 4x AA, 8x AF, with bloom disabled, HSAO ON. I average about 95 FPS, drop to 80 at lowest, 115 highest.
It's basically a Phenom X4 920 if I remember right. I just replaced mine but I had my 4th core unlocked as well. I had it running stable at 3.4ghz as well using a Cooler Master V6 so you'll get some overclocking with that 212. I also run in a slightly modified CM Scout case so I don't have the greatest airflow. I did move it back to 3.0ghz just to be safe and ran everything fine at that frequency.
Watch your temps though, it has alot of headroom, however temp monitoring programs will detect it as an X4 20 or something stupid so they won't give you temperature readings.
My PC has a keyboard with an LCD screen and macros, my mouse has macros and DPI settings, I have a joystick that can be used, and I have a wireless Xbox 360 controller to use at my desk or even when I play on our TV. Because I have an HDMI feed to the TV as well so I can switch between my main desk, or the couch with the push of one button, grab the Xbox contoller, or my other wireless mouse and keyboard that is by the couch ready to play. I also have a Creative headset and mic at the desk, or I can use the wireless Xbox headset in the living room.
I also get games cheap through steam, have mods for free rather then micro transaction based add-ons and t-shirts, and can use true 1080p. Batman Arkham Asylum used Xbox/PS = $24.99. I paid $7.50. Same with Just Cause 2.
Why do I need a console, please enlighten me.
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