[QUOTE="Strider212"] blooddemon666
Faith goes both ways really. a god should have enough faith in their followers to know that they will make the correct choice when it comes to whom to follow.
My point is that before jesus, god was very unforgiving. He didn't teach "hey, dude, stop that" there are many times in the bible in which god has many people who are "guilty" of whatever crime they committed be put to some death.
Once again, the argument about faith in one's followers comes to mind. and why is murder/genocide the only way to deal with problems?
Common historical practice of cultures that were heavily steeped in religion. See the dissociation between western culture (europe, US) versus Middle eastern culture. Very religious, very opressed women.
Why on earth should God believe in us? It was us that brought sin into the world, it was us that waged the wars, it was us that did the killing, and it was us that slew the son of God. It is a wonder that God didn't just wipe the slate clean and start fresh.
Before God sent Jesus, God was simply being the parent. He said don't touch that apple, but we touched it and then ate it. God demonstrated miracles and then asked that His people simply believe in Him, yet they still wouldn't listen. So, when the people were finally depraved, God became a man Himself, so that He could show us how to do it in person.
Being a parent doesn't mean that you are your children's friend. It means you do what is best for them regardless of how they will react.
Is giving in to what someone wants an appropriate way of dealing with problems? Does a child learn when you engage in this behavior?
I think the question to ask yourself is does it bother you that there is the possibility that something might exist that is greater than you or me?
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