@Shewgenja said:
Scorpio is its own worst enemy. So many people are hyping it to be the 4k/60fps machine of infinite flops. MS has done nothing whatsoever to keep expectations reasonable.
Add that with the now known sum that PS4 Pro has not accelerated PS4 sales YoY (at least in the US) and it is becoming increasingly unlikely that developers will, as a whole:
A. Spend the time and money to take full advantage of it after launch.
B. Piss off the majority of their buyers by spending the time and money on Scorpio to the degree where the games do not scale gracefully on current shelf hardware.
Now, if Scorpio is a brand new console with its own exclusives and a proper Gen 9 restart, then we might have to revisit this conversation.
The PS4 Pro failed to accelerate PS4 sales, because the market was not asking for the PS4 Pro to exist. Not the larger market, not Sony's userbase. Nobody was asking for it. PS4 was already the status quo console this generation. Anybody who wants a PS4 either already has one, or has already decided that they were eventually going to buy one before the PRO even came into the picture.
The PS4 pro's existance was a reactionary move more than anything, in anticipation of what they expected Microsoft and to a lesser extent, Nintendo, to end up doing. It was a move to maintain their current momentum (the status quo) in the event of a resurgence of MS/Nintendo momentum, rather than to grow it.
The market was not asking for the PRO to exist. There is however, a vaccum in the market that has demanded that a Scorpio exist. The power gap has been the number one complaint the entire generation.
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