While MS's policy reversal really jumpstarted their pre-orders, there will be a decent percentage of gamers that will buy both systems regardless. I see the playstation plus and MS's offset thumbstick controllers/achievement system as keeping the core fanboys on their respective systems. The system exlcusives already appeal to the respective fanboys. If MS matches the Sony freebie model, then there would be a driver for online gamers to go to the Xbox, since Sony is no longer free and MS has a more developed cloud.
However, since both systems are similar, Sony does have hydraulic economics on their side with a price point $100 lower. Gamers without console loyalty, tend to purchase the cheaper product, regardless. At some point in the future, I suspect MS will have pricing pressure to remove the Kinect from the base package. With both architectures being similar, I imagine most/all third party developers will develop for both systems. Therefore, I see there being less of a reason to purchase two consoles in this generation, which will result in lower overall sales and more media heralding the end of the consoles are near.
Yeah, you nailed it Weerasuriya. Charging the customer more is exactly what we want, especially those of us who rely on the used games market. Besides, who would want to play your games once those confirmation servers are shutdown anyways? Thanks for having our back!!!
They should just pick a generation, and probably the next generation consoles. It already sold something like 12M copies, so I don't see there being that much demand. If it's a launch title with the next generation, they'll probably get at least 3M more.
Even if they get rid of the AH, I still have a problem with having to play the game 4 freaking times with the same character. Diablo 2 was hard to sit through 3 times with the same character. At least in D1 you could slug it out in hard mode with a brand new character.
Finally, the decades of discrimination are coming to an end!!! I demand gaming competitions be added to the olypics immediately and for virtual marriage equality!!!
Video game tournaments should be called Tiawaning, after the nameless kid who died from 40 straight hours of Diablo 3. He is the marathon of pro gaming athletes everywhere after all.
The US Government can't do anything but decide gamers are now athletes. Are their any uninhabited tropical islands left? I'm getting really tired of this crazy train.
Suaron_x's comments