Why is America always behind the 8-ball? We need laws to protect our post-purchase redistribution of work, not belly-aching about how "guns don't kill people, video games do."
I think it's blindingly obvious that "guns don't kill people, video games do." Talk about redirecting blame to take the heat off of weapons designed for one purpose...killing as many people as fast as you can. Is there any intelligence in this country?
Here's one question I have for Atari...why don't any of your 2600 throwback systems have solaris on it? That was the best Atari 2600 game ever made. For whoever purchases Atari...please update the graphics of any 2600 throwback systems you sell. It's just too hard to play games of that generation without some degree of updates.
Sony and Microsoft both suck. Sony isn't the company it used to be, they don't innovate and have fallen behind other companies in their core products (i.e. TVs). I'm upset with MS and its RROD on my XBOX 360. I'm upset with Sony even moreso as my expensive Bravia LCD TV failed to make it 4 years, requiring two repairs (for which one was in warranty/barely).
I'm not going to be the first to jump into the next generation, as I still have alot of games in the current generation to finish. I'd rather wait 2-3 years for the next generation consoles to drop in price. Microsoft will likely win me over with backwards compatibility. If MS doesn't have backwards compatibility, I will probably look to Sony. Microsoft doesn't have many "exclusives" while Sony does. The only reason I switched from PS to Xbox was for Toejam and Earl 3. Of course, DRM could turn me away from both consoles. I don't usually buy or sell used games, but I don't want to invest in a system that restricts/prevents used games.
10 M suckers bought this game. I won't buy it until they release an off-line version. Also, I don't see why you have to beat this game 4 times to get the best stuff. I never could bring myself to play D2 more than twice. They need to expand/change the story for each level of difficulty, IMO.
I hope this means the Dungeons and Dragons license they hold will have to be given up. Atari has sat on this license and has done nothing with it for years.
The definition of government includes the inherent right to waste maney through tax collection. Look at how much government Americans have: Federal, State, County, Local and sometimes that isn't enough so we create "Homeowners Associations." If they didn't waste it on video game studies they splurge on more hookers or sports teams.
I'm willing to sacrifice for my country!!! I would allow the government to pay me to play violent video games for the betterment of our nation, including imbibing drugs and alcohol if necessary!!!
Suaron_x's comments