Before I get flamed, I'd just like to say that I have played games on the PC and have enjoyed them, I haven't made this topic to be a troll and rip the crap out of PC gamers. I'm just curious as to know how PC gamers say that the PC will always be the best among all home consoles. These are the reasons why I personally think home consoles are better for gaming:
1: Someone who has no idea about how to install new graphics cards, CPU, RAM, etc might not be prepared to spend tons of money to buy a PC that plays the latest games when they could just easily go out and buy a home console that doesn't require any hardware installation.
2: The online (in my opinion) is much more fun on a home console than on a PC as it's much easier to join games and chat to friends.
3: Keyboard and mouse is kinda hard to get used to for a beginner to video games, and I know you can install controllers, but much configuration is needed and un-necessary when you could just use a console that has a basic controller set-up and always has a controller.
4: Home Consoles start up fast and can be played straight away. PC's require installation and for the actual PC to start up. There's no "a quick game" where PC's are concerned.
At the moment I can't think of any more reasons, and yes I might be maybe wrong in some point, and again, I'm not trying to say PC gaming is wrong, but can anyone tell me how PC's are always the best for gaming?
1. If you have ever used Lego's as a child you know how to install a videocard.
2. Every option available on console is available on PC's.
3. Not gonna even debate this cause its ridiculousKB/M provides a much more precise experience.
4. My PC starts up in 30 seconds about the same as my 360 and after I intall a game I dont need the disk anymore. Also Steam allows preloading So i can play a game before console users sometimes.
Of course preferring Console gaming doesnt make you a bad person and is perfectly ok.
1. Agreed.
2. Not every option available on consoles is on PC. Besides PS3, 360, and Wii exclusives, the PC lacks in platforming, JRPG, and Action games(GOW, Bayonetta, etc). And honestly it makes sense, it wouldbe atrocious playing a game like ratchet and clank or bayonetta on PC.
3. Its preferance. I would take KB/M over a controller 80% of the time, but there is still that 20%. For example i hate third person shooters on KB/M, it never feels right.
4. I dont care how fast your PC starts up, or if you require a disk or not, PC will never be more convinent for playing games then consoles.
Both PC's and Consoles have their advantages and disadvantages. Personally i think the PC being the best is BS. I alwways buy obvious games for me PC, such as RPGS, any game made by valve, most fps games, etc. But i still buy more games for my ps3 and still buy games on ps3 despite it being on PC because of friends. Its all preference.
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