I just purchased a brand new copy of Heavy Rain from Amazon, but when I got it today, I noticed that it is the ORIGINAL version of the game, not the Move edition. In other words, the cover doesn't have that blue "PlayStation Move" thing in the upper-right corner.
Well, I'm wondering whether I should return this and pick up the Move edition instead. Or if it is actually BETTER to keep the original version of the game? For one thing, I know that the Move support is a free, downloadable patch, so if you PATCH the original version, isn't that the same as having the Move edition ... except for the fact that you can opt NOT to patch the game if you have the original?
Also, I've searched the issue of Heavy Rain's saves being locked/copyrighted online, and it seems like people have said that the game didn't originally have locked saves (that cannot be transferred), but that the Move edition introduced this? Can anyone who owns or has played the original version of the game confirm this? Because if that is true, then maybe I actually LUCKED out, getting an older copy of the game, which doesn't have the Move patch pre-installed (along with copyrighted save files)?
If it matters, I don't even have a PS Move and probably won't be getting one anytime soon ...
I just think that if you can patch the original version to be the same as the Move edition (or opt NOT to), then maybe the original version is actually better?
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