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#1 SummerHillard
Member since 2011 • 414 Posts
I'm about to start playing BioShock from the beginning, and I have just recently created a PSN account (I never bothered to do so before now). I understand that BioShock has nearly 50 trophies that are obtainable, but what I'm wondering is ... ... because I usually do NOT log into my PSN account before playing a game (in fact, I usually have the internet DISABLED unless I plan on going online on the PS3), do you have to START a game LOGGED in to your PSN account in order to be able to upload trophies that you obtain? In other words, can I play through the whole game WITHOUT loggin into my PSN account at all, and then log when I'm about FINISHED with the game's story, in order to upload my obtained trophies? I just want to make sure that all the trophies I obtain won't go to WASTE and will not be able to be uploaded if I do not "stay" logged in the entire time I play the game, or log in at the very beginning (when starting a new story mode). In other words, are trophies linked to the SAVE file or to the PS3's HDD? If it's the latter, then you probably would NOT need to log into your PSN account at all, except when you plan on uploading the trophies. I assume that once you've uploaded the trophies onto ONE PSN account, you will probably NOT be able to upload those same trophies to another PSN account? To me, that makes more sense. That trophies are NOT linked to the save file, but are uniquely individual ... and once a trophy is uploaded to one PSN account, it would not be able to be uploaded again to a different one, totally independent of the save files? If this is the case, then I should be able to play through BioShock without ever logging into my PSN account. And then log into the account when I actually want to UPLOAD the trophies I obtained. Has anyone ever played (or at least STARTED) a game without being logged into PSN, and was still able to upload the trophies obtained after logging into your PSN account later on?
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#2 SummerHillard
Member since 2011 • 414 Posts
That's good to hear, thanks fo the replies.
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#3 SummerHillard
Member since 2011 • 414 Posts

I just recently returned an unopened New game to Best Buy.

You will be fine as long as you have the reciept.

As long as its seleaed, which they will check, they'll give you a full refund.

If you don't mind me asking, did you originally purchase the game with cash or a credit card? Because I paid with cash, and the games totaled over $100, so I'm kind of scared that they will not refund that much cash to me ... even though the return policies state that they refund you "in the same way" that you paid. I really hope the refund isn't going to be in the form of store credit or a gift card. I'd much rather get my money back instead of having to spend that amount at the store.
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#4 SummerHillard
Member since 2011 • 414 Posts
Yeah, I'm just kinda paranoid and afraid that the store might have some sort of policy ... like if someone has purchased a game and tries to return it, they have to rip off the plastic anyway and open the case to make sure that the game is still in there ... and then send it back to the manufacturer to "repackage." Because I've read online about people who skillfully removed games without tearing the plastic ... and then successfully put them back in and resealed them to make them look brand new.
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#5 SummerHillard
Member since 2011 • 414 Posts
I purchased a couple of brand new PS3 video games from Best Buy a few days ago, but I just found the same games for significantly cheaper on Amazon. I have NOT opened the games yet, they are still sealed in plastic. I plan on returning the games to Best Buy, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience in returning brand NEW games to a store? Do the employees rip off the plastic, or do they simply reshelf the items? In other words, even if you return a game NEW, do they still have to tear off the packaging and prepare it for REPACKAGING? Is there some kind of weird policy like that? In addition, I've noticed that PS3 games are sealed with that "Y-Shape" at the top and bottom of the case. I was wondering if Wii games are also packaged the same way, with that "Y-Seal?" Thanks!
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#6 SummerHillard
Member since 2011 • 414 Posts
Well, that sounds like it would work then .. if you mean you logged in with your PSN name, loaded up the save (and I assume resaved?), and then transferred it to the other console. If that's what you mean, then I guess you do NOT need to log into your PSN account when you START a game, that you can link it at ANY point. Meaning you could get to the end of a game, backup the non-linked save, and then create another copy of the same save linked to the PSN account? At any rate, if you are able to load the save on another console by using your PSN name, then I suppose you could also then RESAVE and thereby link the save to your NEW console? Am I missing something here, or would that pretty much solve the problem of not being able to load saves (besides the non-transferrable ones) on replacement consoles? Regardless, I KNOW that saves are not linked to your user account NAME. In other words, even if you create a user account on another PS3 with the same name, it's NOT the same account. The ID/signature is hidden, it has nothing to do with the NAME of your user account, which you can edit at any time from the XMB menu. Sony does NOT allow two of the same user accounts to exist at the same time, apparently ... that is why the Data Transfer Utility ERASES everything from the first PS3 after it transfers to the second. But if I'm understanding your correctly, then the PSN account can bypass console/user account? If that's the bottomline, then perhaps you can RESAVE old saves after logging into PSN, and then link them to the NEW console/user account? Of course, if you CAN do that ... then people could STILL cheat and get trophies that way. So it would seem that Sony's console/account-locked save system is completely pointless in the end anyway. EDIT: I just reread your post ... you didn't mention if you had been logged into PSN when you first started the game(s)? That might be the thing right there. I'm still afraid that if you do not START the game linked to a PSN account, then you cannot link a SAVE from that game later on ...
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#7 SummerHillard
Member since 2011 • 414 Posts
Thanks for the reply. But if I were to *finally* create a PSN account on my console, would it "mark" the machine for good. In other words, would all saves on any game I created from that point on be "marked" with that PSN account, regardless of whether or not I was signed in at the time I saved the game? I only care about backing up the FINAL save point of each game, so would it be possible to play through the game without logging into PSN, get to the final save, transfer/backup that save, and then go back and log into PSN, and then save AGAIN? So that I would have TWO copies of that save, one tied to the PSN account and one account-free (just to cover my bases). Or does it not work that way? I just started a brand new game of Ninja Gaiden Sigma and have saved at Chapter 4. In order to test it out, I created a second account on my console and used the utility to COPY over the save to the new account. When I tried to load it on THAT account, it gave me that bullcrap "this was created by another user" message. Well, if I were to create a PSN account now, would I be able to "tie" that Chapter 4 save to the account, or do you have to do it at the BEGINNING of a game? I mean, is your machine/user account permaneantly tied to the PSN account as soon as you log in the first time, or is a save only tied to the PSN account if you are logged in at the TIME? This is absolutely crucial, because otherwise creating a PSN account would be burning a very important bridge. If you could have TWO copies of the same game save ... one tied to your PSN account and one that is not ... that would be the safest method.
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#8 SummerHillard
Member since 2011 • 414 Posts
Hello, I had a concern regarding the loading of game saves. I always back up my saved data onto USB flash drives. However, if I had to purchase a NEW PS3 in the future, would those game saves be able to load up on the new console? I've searched this topic online, but there are conflicting arguments. Some people claim they can transfer saves from their PS3 to a friend's PS3 and load them up ... but they say it must be linked to the same "PSN account," meaning the saved game can only be loaded using the same PSN account? Well, that's what's confusing to me ... because although I have internet access, I have never signed up for PlayStation Network (and do not plan on doing so). To me, trophies, PSN, and all that garbage is just a complete waste of time, effort, and your PS3's resources. I bought the PS3 to play through single-player stories, not do pointless crap like collect worthless trophies. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. All of my single-player gameplay has been OFFLINE. So with no PSN account associated with any of my saved games, where does that leave me? I can't really test loading up these saves on a different console since I only have one. But since I never use PSN and none of my games are linked to any such account, does that mean I should be able to transfer game saves (besides the copyright-protected ones that some games have) to another PS3 console and load them up? I'm referring to game saves in GENERAL, not the ones that don't even allow you to TRANSFER them to a USB drive or HDD (like Assassin's Creed II, Killzone 2, Bayonetta, etc.). To me, these games need to be boycotted and their developers can rot in hell for all I f***** care. It infuriates me to no end that this bull is impacting my saved games when I don't give a damn about any of it in the first place. And because I do not even deal with PSN at all, I cannot "link" a PSN account to my game saves. So does that mean I can freely load those saves on another console, or that I wouldn't be able to at all? What's frustrating is that there are numerous topics/discussions regarding this issue online, but pretty much everyone talks about "PSN accounts" ... apparently people have forgotten that PlayStation Network is NOT required to play through your damn games. So saying that saves must be "linked to the same PSN account" makes absolutely ZERO sense for those of us who start and finish games with NO connection to any PSN account, PERIOD. All I care about is going through single-player story on my games and backing up the last save file. I couldn't give a damn about PSN or trophies or any of that worthless garbage. I sometimes use the PS3's internet browser to stream vids online, but that is absolutely it. It's infuriating how Sony and these jackass developers are starting to copyright game saves because of this worthless, pointless trophy s***. Therefore there is no way to know for sure whether or not you can freely load game saves on different consoles/user accounts if you do not even touch that PSN stuff at all. Because pretty much everyone online uses a PSN, and I can't test it out having only one console. From experience, I know that I can successfully back up the saves of MGS4, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, BioShock, RE5, DMC4, Ratchet & Clank Future, FFXIII, Fallout 3, GTAIV, Dead Space 2, Mass Effect 2, SSFIV, God of War III, Castlevania: LoS, MCvs.DCU, Uncharted 2, Resistance 2, Batman: AA, and others ... ... but I do NOT know whether or not I will be able to load those saves on a different PS3 that I purchase in the future. If I could test it out, I would. My boyfriend used to have a PS3 before it broke, and he switched over to Xbox. Unfortunately, I also cannot get a definitive answer, because everyone online keeps saying you CAN as long as it's tied to your same "PSN account" ... which as I stated before, makes absolutely no sense for those of us who don't use PSN accounts in the FIRST PLACE. Hopefully that means we are NOT restricted at all as far as carrying saves over to another console. The other problem is the conflicting reports. Some people claim that saves can only be loaded from the same console or user account they were created from, while others claim they can freely transfer saves from their own PS3 to a friend's PS3 (or another one in their house) and continue the game from that save. How in the hell half the people can say one thing and half the complete opposite is absolutely beyond me ... and ends up breeding nothing but confusion. Thank you to anyone who can shed some light.