Well im impressed with it, best looking game on iOS so far, only played trough the tutorial so far tough. And I wont get back to it until im finished with Xcom on ipad since I buckled and bought it, that game rocks btw. even on iOS.
Deus ex just looks amazing and runs at high and stable framerates on ipad 4th gen.
First thing YES deadpool has an healing ability, And why do you do a "now playing" when you skip stuff and talk about other stuff then the game your playing. And maybe have someone that actually know something about deadpool do it, instead of people that keep compairing him to Ryan "Raynools" (yeah I cant spell his name, I just woke up, and Im pissed about it).
Lands of lore 1, xwing, nes games etc. These are the games that dragged me in. Im more excited about the remake of ducktales then any other game since skyim. Sure graphics and art design matters, but "the book is always better then the movie," and there is a reason for that.
SunSpot's comments