Sony fans always need to hide behind another system to defend the PS3 since the PS3 is such a failure. Sales - they hide behind the PS2 and games they hide behind the PC. Why the hell are they so fanatical about a system that leads in nothing?CanYouDiglt
[QUOTE="Tessellation"] i hope you aren't the horrible ginger boy wanna be gangster from youtube that was a ps3 fanboy as well.Tessellation
as i thought, my post cannot be refuted so you started sidestepping. Consoles have no games, accept the facts, deal with it i am asking you a question because if you're the ginger you defended the ps3 like it was your girlfriend or something,hell even to the point of going on youtube and make stupid videos fighting with other people why it was superior :lol:,lol i game on PC.
Halo Reach is not Halo 3, Halo Odst is not Halo 3. They are different games with different stories. Forza 4 isnt out yet, you havent played it, Gears Judgement isnt out, you havent played it. Stop being a ******* troll or at the very least actually try. Also its not next gen, its current gen. Next gen was used 7 years ago when Xbox and PS2 were still actually being sold. Next gen is now Xbox 720 and PS4, WiiU, Vita etc. All consoles are in a downward trend in sales, including the PS3. The industry as a whole is suffering right now due to the summer drought of games. Xbox 360 is outselling both PS3 and the Wii, and by the end of the generation at this rate the 360 might pass the Wii in total sales. Are you jelly?Brean24
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