Credit where credit is due, the PS2 was awesome.
The Eye Toy was a flop, it never recieved much support. Kinect is better.
The PSP was hyped as a DS killer with its awesome graphics and console-like experience. Got destroyed by the DS.
The PS3's launch was a complete joke. Is still in last place, a huge nose dive from the PS2s 1st place. 360 is beating it in sales and overall library.
The Move was a complete flop. No support. Hardly sold. Kinect and Wii destroy it.
The Vita is another huge flop. Its sales are embarrassing. The 3DS will destroy it.
I can't wait to see how the PS4 turns out. I'm wondering what idiotic thing Sony will do this time to dig their grave even deeper.
Sucks to be a cow.
I agree, Halo is the best game ever.
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