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Super-Poke-Bros Blog

The Ring King (and a lesson in numbers)

Just reached level 14-Ring King(well it's about time!) and a new achievement in one day. Cool.

After beating the latest and greatest Dragon Quest IX on the DS I wanted more...
Not that the game is short. In fact, it's a REALLY long game. With loads of extra quests and treasures to find after you beat the game. I got a LOT of play time and for a while it was the only DS game I ever played.
But after finishing the whole game, the treasure hunting gets repetitave and it's too long to wait for more quests to download (a game has to end at some point).

I wanted more, so I got Dragon Quest V (I wanted to get DQ VIII, but apparently that one is on a PS console)

I liked Dragon Quest V overall, I just wish I'd played it before IX. Since V came way before IX, it doesn't have nearly as many features (like actually choosing how your player will look)andbad graphics (compared to IX I mean).

So I give it an 8.5 out of 10.
I'll write a full review later.

I hear the Dragon Quest X will be out sooner our later.
Most likely on the 3DS (definatly on my to buy list)


Oh and for anyone who doesn't understand roman numerals...

I is equal to 1
V is equal to 5
X is equal to 10

Remember these three rules:
adding I before a V or an X means subtract
adding I after a V or an X means add
you can NOT places more than 3 of the I

For example, IVequals5 minus 1, which equals 4.
And VI equals 5 plus 1 which equals 6.


PS: I'm trying to come up with a good blog signature, until then you have to deal with the 1UP.

Hooray! Freedom to post.

My problem with gamefaqs (read my previous blog) has been cleared up!
Finally, I have the freedom to post messages and topics on the boards.
Thanks, Gamefaqs, for letting me off the hook.
I also noticed that I got the Good Taste achievement.
Now people will trust my opinion!
So I'll write a review or two to celebrate.


Mario 25th Anniversary

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Happy Birthday Mario Bros.!

I decided to celebrate by creating my own Mario dektop theme!

My Desktop
(I have the Dell Dock.)

And I'm going to sharethis themewith everyone!
According to the
CBS Interactive Terms of Use point4a

I have the right to post this download link for my cool new theme.


Justextract the fileand double-click it then...poof! You have a Mario PC!
Complete with backgrounds, cursors, anda couplesound effects such as a coin collect sound in place of a windows ding.
It's not flashy though so you're computer won't run slow.


if for any reason you want to switch back to the original theme just go to Control panal>Personalisation and choose one of the defult themes.

Of course it's only for Windows 7 users (sorry for anyone with Vista, XP, Mac, etc)
So I included the icons and cursors in extra folders so you can manually recreate the theme on an XP or Vista (You'll have to convert .ico icons to png icons for use on Mac, I'm not sure what the .cur cursors should be)

Tell me what you think and

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Mario and all respective names are trademarks and copyrights of Nintendo.
Icons from Icon Finder (
Cursors from Deviant art user: ~mad-chemist04
Backgrounds from various sources
Original sounds from Mario Mayhem (
Sounds edited by Super-Poke-Bros


Does anyone know how I can contact Gamefaqs?

Seriously, I made this little mistake that has caused some big problems...

Because of some wierd glitch (this happened a long time ago) the forums were not refreshing for me (I couldn'dt see what other had posted, even though it clearly states that "last posted by [someone other than me]."

I found a strange fix though.I noticed that if I just posted in that same topic it would refresh and view the messages before. Of course I was quickly flagged as a spammer...

I noticed this message on my Gamefaqs accountthat had apperently been posted a long time ago, but I just read it today (I don't check into gamefaqs very often):

"Notice Sent: 9/1/2010 7:15:40 PM Notice:
There were one or more minor issues with your user registration. Your registration will be reviewed by an administrator, and your account should either be approved or rejected in the next 24 hours. Until it has been reviewed, you will not be able to post messages on the boards. We apologize for the inconvenience. This can happen when:

-You've been banned once or more in the past 30 days
-You have one or more other brand new accounts
-You have one or more accounts not in good standing at this time (suspended, purgatory, warned)
-Either you or someone you share an IP address or ISP with has been banned numerous times
-You have chosen a username that is potentially (or intentionally) offensive
-You are using one or more services designed to disguise your identity

Until this account has been reviewed, please do not attempt to create another account. Any additional accounts created will be seen by the system as a ban dodge, and may permanently impact any and all accounts you have.

Notice Sent: 9/3/2010 5:14:53 PM

Your user registration has been rejected and your account set to Read-Only. So now my account is Read-Only and I can't post. "

Is that really fair?? Why was I rejected? I made it so far on Gamespot. (Lv 13 and all)
I don't want to make a whole new account just to use the forums.
And besides I originally joined Gamespot, I never really wanted a gamefaqs account...
Does anyone know what I should do? Or how to contact Gamefaqs?

Super Scribblenauts (is awesome)

I finally got a copy of Super Scribbblenauts!
This is the greatest DS game I've played in a long time.
I'm now in around World 2 or something. I have to say that this game is extremely underrated.
GameSpot's score was 6.5! I'd give it an 8.5 if not a 9.
The review said that although the endless amount of adjective and nounlist was impressive,
the puzzles limited your imagination. I really think they shouldn't base the review on the first 3 or 5 puzzles.
Here is the commercial for it:

What do you think?
If you ever played the game tell me what you think about it.

A Tamed Magical Golden Winged Horse might just be your best vehicle.
It has the power to turn your worst enemies to harmless little buniies and frogs.
And I'll just let your imagination tell you what a Carnivourus Polka-Dotted Living Refridgerator does...
I love this game.


Super Scribblenauts

This fork needs a spoon...

Super Scribblenauts 2

This Evil Giant Flying Metal Baby will someday rule th world!

Super Scribblenauts 3

Who doesn't want a Ridable Living Firebreathing Giant Pencil?

Super Scribblenauts 4

Fly away cow!

Super Scribblenauts 5

Of course! Winged Cow = Winged Beef

I laughed so hard when the butcher got the cow!

I beat Professor Layton 1/Just started Metroid: Other M

I beat Professor Layton and the Curoius Village (pretty quickly).
It turns out I'm pretty good at these types of brain teasers.
It was fun overall and the story of it was...odd...but interesting!
Now unto Professor Layton 2!

I also just started on Metroid: Other M
This is the first Metroid game I've ever owned or even played.
I've never even heard of Metroid until I bought Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

I'll write a full review of Metroid: Other M once I'm at least 75% through the game.

Shopping Spree

So I've saved upa bit ofcash and finally spent it on a few video games.

-Professor Layton and the Curious Village
-Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
-Metroid: Other M

And also when they come out soon I'm planning to buy:
-Kirby's Epic Yarn
-Super Scribblenauts (Scribblenauts 2)
-Pokemon Ranger: Gaurdian Signs (Pokemon Ranger 3)
-Super Meat Boy (Wiiware)

One more game on my wishlist is The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword.
But that won't come out until December. Which is good so I can get some more money by then.

Dragon Quest IX Main Story Complete + Quick Review

I finallybeat Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Actually, I beat it several days ago. I just didn't have the time to write about it.

My quick review:

The game is great for any RPG fan, or someone looking to try RPG games.
My favorite thing about the game is the completely customizable character, party, and even the storyline.
You create what your character will look like,dress up withwhatever equipment you find or buy. At some point in the beginning of the game you get to create and recruit more characters to fight by your side.
And through out your adventure there is no obvious path towalk on. You pick what you want to do or where you want to go next.

Overall9 out of 10

Now I'm just hanging around exploring places I've neve been to in the world of DQIX.
And also going through grottoes (these are like underground cave/dungeons) and hunting treasure maps and rare items.
I still have a lot of unfinished side quests so I'll keep playing it for a little while.

Forums Issue

Does anyone know what causes this problem?

I haven't posted in the forums for a while.
But today when I did, something was preventing me from creating a new topic.

The error was: "You do not have access to create topics on this board. "
Could it be because of moderation??
I do have a slight moderation history unfortunatly.

My Dragon Quest IX progress: about 85-95% through the game. I'd say 95% but there is always the chance of an extra surprise that extends the story a little.

Edit: What the heck??

I can't even post messages?!
The error message: "You do not have access to create msgs on this board"

DragonQuest IX Review and Pokemon Soul Silver 100%

I recently got Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies.

This game is awesome. I just wanted to say...
This the first game I ever played of the Dragon Quest series.

It's also the first time I play an RPG game other than Pokemon (Unless you count Mario & Luigi RPG, but that is in a categoryin its own)

Speaking of Pokemon...

I did it!
Yes, I beat the dang game.
Pokemon Soul Silver = 100% complete

-Collected all 16 badges, beat the Elite Four and Red.
-Got every single one of the 493 Pokemon
-Collected 5 Shiny Leaves
-I beat all records of all 10 events in the Pokeathlon.
-Got my 100-Streak Win at the battle tower! (plus 3 reward trophies)

This is not an easy task people!
And my game clock can prove it:


400 hours and 23 minutes.
It actually should bemore, because a huge portion of the 493 Pokemon I caught came from my previous games....
(My DS is always in my pocket)

Anyway if you play Pokemon and want to go for the 100 win take a look at the team I used for some inspiration:

Gengar@Focus Sash (Timid +Sped,-Att)
EVs 252 Sp. Attack/252 Spd/4 HP

-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast

This move set is great especially with a Focus Sash.
I can just attack with powerful moves and 1HKO (supereffective)or 2HKO (neutral) most of the time.
If I get hit with a move that even only does half damage I use Explosion right away. The only down side is Focus Blast's unreliable accuracy.

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Breloom@Toxic Orb(Adament +Att,-Sp.Att)
EVs 252 Attack/252 Spd/4 HP
Ability: Poison Heal

-Focus Punch
-Seed Bomb

Breloom is second up. He usually takes care of the 2nd or 3rd Pokemon out per battle
(Gengareasily knocks out the 1st pokemon 8/10 times)
Spore allows it to put the enemy to sleep so it can easily set up a substitute
(in the higher parts of your streak opponents wake up super early/on the same turn).
The toxic orb works with its ability to heal off damage
(it works great to recover HP used to create the sub)
After all that it won't have any trouble sweeping the opponent's team
(unless youhave tofight a Pokemon like Gengar, who's immune to Focus Punch an resists Seed bomb).

Starmie@Expert Belt (Timid +Sped,-Att)
EVs 252 Sp. Attack/252 Spd/ 4 Sp. Def
Ability: Natural Cure

-Ice Beam
-Hidden Power Fighting

This Starmie can take care if at least 13 of the 17 types, and expert belt backs it up.
The only problem it might have is dealing with electric types.
Natural Cure won't help it much because it can't switch to heal when it's last up,
but I breeded/trained this one for online battles originally.
I rarely send out starmie in the first few dozen wins, but I get to see him more and more in the later half.

There have been many close calls but luck is a big factor in these battles (sadly)
I won in like my eighth or ninth time (I lost seven or eight times).

That's all I got on my mind.