I don't really care. I'm getting a PS4 on release and a Xbox One when Titanfall comes out. This is just more last minute news to sway opinion. I think most people who are real gamers have made up their mind by now.
I've taken off a week of work to take a vacation to Los Santos. I hope I'll be looking forward to going home by the end of it, but I know I won't. Instead, I'll just curse my adult responsibilities and wish that I was independently wealthy.
Being that Disney Infinity is cross franchise anyway, this actually makes sense. I wouldn't be surprised if Disney started licensing many other IP and making figures for Infinity. First Bioshock Infinite, next who knows...really there is no limit. I can almost guarantee that we'll see Square-Enix figures given that universe already overlaps with Kingdom Hearts.
Can the Xbox One support multiple displays? That seems like it would be the only practical use for supporting up to 8 controllers. I'll be damned if I'm going to split my TV more than 4 ways for a local multi-player match.
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