@sammoth Belatedly, no. You don't get it, I'm saying they don't deserve your disrespect. Your comment was not that they were complaining over nothing. You're comment now is saying that in a far more acceptable and far less insulting tone. I can say you're a crybaby, or I can say there isn't a reason to cry to MS as they're not obligated to cater to you. Again, if you can't see the difference, then I'm overestimating your ability to recognize common sense. Also, for the record, I do respect the police, firemen. Only cop I disrespected, disrespected me first and i went to court, showed the video that he wasn't aware of which shut him the hell up and the case was settled.
@sammoth @robn311 It's one thing, to not get/sympathize with the Navy...the way you did it, is a sign of disrespect. Implying they're crying when they bring up valid arguments about the troubles they face when deployed. I trust you're older than 9 or 10 AND from a military family, so I can't see how you're not smart enough to realize that. Why play the 'I don't see how it's disrespect' card, when you're clearly old enough to understand why it is?
@FinnishTeenager I'd agree...except they're focusing on the dog, not just because they're out of ideas, but because the internet/fans/nonfans flipped their shit when they saw the dog. If that's what the audience likes, they'd be fools not to capitalize on it.
@EL_Bomberdor Woah...don't go off and claim undead labs is trying to copy Dayz or that it's offshoot of MS. If you kept track of the game at all, you'd know that isn't true. It may have the same zombie/Apocalypse scenario, but it's focus is completely different than Dayz.
@Drilbit777 @Super_Panda @dubz02 My question was not in response to what he was saying, but more into what mindset someone has to be in to type like that.
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