@Mroptimism On top of that, he's like the ONLY person here who's played, so he's the only person whos opinion can really be considered well founded and well formed. Everyone else is commenting on a game they haven't played.
@Mroptimism Even if you were a professional, guess what...your opinion is still you're own opinion. It makes NO difference if you're paid for it or not. I don't give 2 shits about Robert Ebert opinion on stuff. He gave terrible reviews to movies I loved and many people disagreed, but that didn't mean anything because it was his review, his opinion, on multi-million dollar movies. Also... Tom gave the game an 8? How is that not finding it interesting? You're acting as if he gave the game a 2. An 8 means the game was pretty damn great and had its flaws. People are just butthurt that he's not giving it a score that THEY feel it deserves, but gave it a score HE felt it deserved.
@Mroptimism @Super_Panda @TumblinDice @ggregd So because he chooses not to agree with everyone elses opinion, he's a cynical ass? That logic is bad, and you know it. If he were going like that, he'd rate the game as sh**. Just because I don't agree with the majority of people, doesn't mean my opinion is any less than theirs, the same applies here. The same applies to you and some opinions you hold that the majority might not agree with.
@Mroptimism @ggregd @TumblinDice His excuse? It's his opinion. He doesn't need an excuse. He gave his reasoning and that's all he needs to do. IGN gave RE6 a 79. They don't need an 'excuse' beyond their review. What makes a game score is how it appeals to you, it's merits and demerits. If, at the end of it all, it adds up to be the an almost perfect game, then you can give it a 10/10. If it has it flaws, then you give it something lower. He chose to give it something lower, but still gave it a great score.
@cnx2022 In his defense, you're tone was more angry than calm. You weren't exactly going 'Never agreed with this guys reviews. I'd wish someone else had reviewed it.' Yours was more in line with the angry mass that...well..is pretty obvious to see just by scrolling down.
@Mroptimism @TumblinDice @ggregd You're doing a poor job of explaining his dislikes for the game and making them seem far more trivial than what he actually disliked about the game. Believe it or not, if I find most of the characters unlikable and the setting a little to generic for my tastes, I'd probably not give it a 10/10 either.
I'm not saying Batman wasn't skilled, just that, if we go by the comics, Deathstroke was more than his match even at his prime, with Batman needing several others to beat him.
Gotta admit, this trailer kinda reassures me from a...character standpoint. Did it seem like in the shortened version, it looked like Batman was much more of a match for Deathstroke to anyone else? I don't know about you, but when i saw that, I felt that shouldn't be the case.
This early in Batmans career, Deathstroke should be more than a match for him, which is why I like this trailer as it seems Deathstroke is and will be more than a match for Batman.
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