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Superironic Blog


You all are probably sick of my silly blogs by now about the consoles. But I am sure this is going to be the last one. :P

First of all I will start with the good new. We actually bought the package and I will get a PS3 :D

Now the bad news, I won't get the PS3 until after by Birthday :cry:. The thing is, I have to send this code to Sony, well not exactly Sony but the people who are in charge of this promotion, and then they will send me the PS3.

I do have the HDTV though and I have to tell you, HDTV is awesome. So much clear than the ordinary TV. Here is a pic of it, if you want to see it. In real life, the quality is really good but you will not notice the difference in the picture. Oh, and the show I was watching was House ;)

One more thing, I picked up Motorstorm today (first PS3 game I bought ^_^) so I have a game ready to play when the console arrives. :)

@360 fans: Just because this is the first console I buy, doesn't mean it will be the last. From a whole lot of warnings I have received when I announced that I wanted to get a Wii, I decided that the next console I will get is a 360 ;)

Good Chance But No Promises

I have read all the comments from my other blog and I would like to thank those who gave advice about the next console I should get. There is a good chance that the next console I will get is a...

[spoiler] PS3 :o [/spoiler]

This is a real turn of events since when I first came to GS, I favoured the 360 over both the PS3 and the Wii. Now, a few weeks ago, I was very skeptical about getting a PS3. It is very expensive and a bit of a waste if you don't have a HDTV. And to be perfectly honest, I thought the PS3 was failing. However that has all changed. Despite what some people may think, I reckon the the E3 Conference with Sony was good. RFoM looks awesome. And MAG (Massive Action Game) looks very interesting. FF has gone over to the 360, but to be perfectly honest... I don't care :| Also there is some other games for the PS3 I wouldn't mind getting already out now such as the first RFoM, Motorstorm and Buzz :roll:. Did E3 change my mind about getting a Wii, or a 360? Haha no way :lol: I wouldn't get a PS3 just because I liked the E3 conference :P Both the Wii and 360 conference was good too (although I am undecided about the Wii conference since when I was watching it live, it was very laggy :()

I said earlier I didn't want I PS3 because it was too expensive and a bit of a waste. However, the situation I am in now has made it so this is no longer a problem. Let me explain ;). My mum wants to buy a Full HDTV and the thing is, there are deals on where you can buy a Full HDTV and you get a PS3 free with it. I have bargained with them that if they do buy a Full HDTV, I will get the PS3. This is good timing since my birthday is coming up :D I have hit 2 birds with one stone here. :) I also said in the title "No Promises". There is a chance that the HDTVs will be sold out before we get a chance to buy one. There is also the possibility that my mum will change her mind since she was a bit skeptical about getting a HDTV at first.

fingers crossed ;)

New Console

At the moment I am thinking of getting a next generation console. Here are some of the pros and cons of each console I have gathered.



-Fun to play with
-Free Internet
-A lot of games I want to buy for it
-Good console to keep my arm active :P
-Good multiplayer console


-I may get bored of it after awhile
-May destroy my TV if I am not careful :P
-I may have to waste money on accessories (like the wheel for Mario Kart)
-Graphics are not as good as the other consoles



-Xbox Live
-BF: Bad Company :P
-Cheap (depending on type)
-A reasonable game library
-graphics are great


-Xbox Live isn't free :(
-Some of the games I want, I already own for the PC



-blu ray player
-free online gaming
-great graphics
-great controller (If it is anything like last generation)


-Very expensive
-Not much games for it I want to play (May change in the future)
-Bit of a waste considering I have no HDTV

At the moment I am leaning towards the Wii since it is cheap and there are many games I want for it. I am also interested in how the wii is set up and how the position of the controller influences the game. And yes, I am aware that the Wii revolves around 'fun' games rather than serious games but it isn't like I don't already have a console for serious games. My PC has serves that purpose.

I would like to here your opinions on the consoles and what console you would get if you were in my position. :)


BTW: I have decided not to get WoW just yet. I think I am going to try out some other MMORPGs before moving onto WoW like 2Moons. ;)

Ok, it is 1:00 AM, I am going to sleep. Goodnight :P

World of Warcraft Worth It?

Seriously, I have seen a deal on at EB Games and I am tempted to get it. I have seen a lot of people randomly walk up to me on the streets and say "You really need to get WoW" "Do you know what an awesome game is... WoW" "You should stop playing BF2142... and start playing WoW" :|... (Yeah right) Now I have never played a MMORPG and to be quite honest, I haven't played many RPG's either. However what makes WoW stand out among the rest of the MMORPG's out there. Why is it so addictive that millions of gamers out there have own this game? I actually started downloading the 10 day trial... but canceled it as soon as I realised that it was going to take up 3 GB of my download :P What are your thoughts on WoW and have you played it before?

Choose Your Destiny Game 8

You are a scientist, and have discovered a mysterious device. You take it back to your lab and find out that it is some kind of time travel device. You have been studying it for a month and decide to actually use it, confident that you will come back, safely to the present when you are ready. You start it up but something goes wrong. The lights in your lab start to flicker and the room starts to shake. You realise that the device is too dangerous and you may not come back alive. What do you do? There is 3 buttons on the machine. The red button stops the device. The blue button takes you to the future. The green button takes you back to the past. Which button do you push?

Push the Red Button

[spoiler] You play it safe and push the red button. The machine starts to shut down and everything goes back to normal. You think that maybe you need to research the device a bit more before using it. You go home and come back the next day to your lab. You find the device missing and your lab is a mess. You also discover that one of your fellow scientist is missing. A month goes by and you find the scientist that went missing lying dead on the floor with all the other scientists that worked on the project. Suddenly the police raid your lab and charge you for murder. You tell them your story but they don't believe you. You don't have any witnesses because everyone who knew about the device is dead. You are now found, rotting in jail, wondering how the device killed your team. [/spoiler]

Push the Green Button

[spoiler] You push the green button and the machine takes you to the past alright. But you go back in time too much and you find yourself floating in Space. [/spoiler]

Push the Blue button

[spoiler] You push the blue button and you find yourself back in the lab. You think nothing happened but you look at the paper and that year says 2010. The device was a success. You tell your team about and they are happy you are back. That whole week you are continuing your research on the device and catching up on what has been happening while you were gone. Suddenly you start to have a bad headache. Each day that passes, it gets worse. You go to the doctors and they can't find what is wrong with you. A week passes and you notice that your ears a bleeding and your eyes look red. You realise that there can be only way to fix this. You go to your lab and start the machine. You reach for the green button and press it but nothing happens. You press the blue button and nothing happens. You press the red button and nothing happens. You are pressing each button madly and nothing seems to work. Suddenly, a big bolt of electricity charges out of the device and charges through your body. You fly right across the room and die instantly [/spoiler]

Push No Button

[spoiler] The lights blow up and the lab shakes even more. A few minutes past and you decide to press one of the buttons but nothing happens.You feel that it is not safe so you run out of the building and tell your team to evacuate immediately. A week has past and all the electricity is out. The whole city is shaking and no body is has been able to figure out how to stop the device. Those that have tried had died while getting close to the device. a month has past and the whole countries electricity is out. People are freaking out and a predicting some kind of rapture. 6 months has past and the whole earth is shaking. The land starts to crack and is destroyed. Humans have been extinct. [/spoiler]

Top Ten Xfire Games

This is the top 10 games I have played the longest, according to Xfire

Battlefield 2142 -- 134 Hours
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblvion -- 51 Hours
Garrys Mod -- 31 Hours
Trackmania Nations Forever -- 25 Hours
Spider Solitare -- 15 Hours
Gears of War -- 13 Hours
Portal -- 12 Hours
Half-Life 2 -- 11 Hours
Peggle Extreme -- 9 Hours
Audiosurf -- 9 Hours

BTW the reason why it says United States on my Xbox Gamertag is because I accidently registered Xbox Live under not and there is no possible way of changing it :cry: Luckily it is only for one month but if I do get Xbox Live in the future, it will have to be under a name other than Superironic :(

Xbox Live Gold

I have Xbox Live Gold for 1 month after buying Gears of War for the PC. It is actually Windows Live but they are basically the same thing. At the moment I have Timma and a friend I know from school on my friends list but if you want to add me, you are more than welcome to. :D If not, then I am going to hunt you down and I will add you myself :P

Anyway, I am really enjoying Gears of War at the moment. I have to say that it is one of the best games I have played in awhile. I am liking the gameplay, it has an awesome storyline and the cut scenes are really interesting to watch. The enemies are pretty unique too and the characters in the game are pretty cool. In fact Marcus Fenix has made it to my top 10 favourite video game characters. So far, it has kept me away from BF2142. :o And that isn't an easy job. :P

Superironic Returns!!!

My Exams are over, the holidays are coming up for me and GS has started to become interesting again. BTW I have been tagged by Doug. The tagging system works like this, I say 5 things that you may not know about me and I tag 5 other people that have to say 5 things that people do not know about them and they tagged 5 people and... well you get the point.

1) My real name is actually Phillip but I prefer to be called Phil. Not over the internet though, I prefer SI over the internet ;)

2) I love gaming but I also like TV. At the moment, I watch many shows such as Smallville, House, NCIS, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Simpsons, Seinfeld, Monk... well it is too much to list. I also own all the seasons of Everybody Loves Raymond on DVD.

3) I love games. Probably not a secret because I am here on a gaming website. :P But Gaming is real hobby of mine. whether it is reading about them, listening to gaming music (I actually go to Newgrounds Audio and download gaming music) and even creating them using Game Maker. I have even bought consoles beyond my time just to try out games that I have been missing out on before I was born.

4) When I came to Gamespot from Gamefaqs, I never intended on staying. My plan was to come here, boost my stats a bit and return to Gamefaqs. Even though I still post through Gamefaqs, I spend most of my time here on Gamespot.

5) I have never sold a console or game before. Even if I don't like the game, I still keep it just in case I change my mind and decide that it is a good game after all.

Now for the people to tag. I am going to tag the last 5 people who posted in my last blog (not including me) They are icstars2, foolio_67, edpeterson, sandyqbg and Dou... hmm I bet there is a 'can't get the butcher back' rule involves :P so on to the next person which is woozienebunu

Till Next Time ;)


I have decided that I am going to quit blogging on GS. I don't really have the time at the moment. Anyway, if you want to find me, I will be at the Consoles Debate Union. If by chance, the CDU dies, I will quit GS altogether. If you have MSN or Xfire, feel free add me if you want.

Xfire: superironic

See ya, Superironic :)
