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Superironic Blog

Top 18 Posters in my Blog

My blog has been running for quite some time now and I thought I would give some recognition for those who have commented quite a bit in my blog. So what I did was went through every single blog I have ever done and counted all the comments everyone has ever posted in my blogs. Next thing I did was splitted the long list of people into 2 and only counted the people who have commented in my blog 10 times or more. And then I came with the top 18 list of Posters in my Blog. Here it is:

MC (Masterchef) -- 1st with 97 comments
HG (Hells Gate) -- 2nd with 77 comments
Canana -- 3rd with 65 comments
Timma -- 4th with 51 comments
Freakyzeeky -- 5th with 45 comments
Vidplayer -- 6th with 32 comments
Foolio -- 7th with 25 comments
Amward -- 8th with 23 comments
Spongeidiot and
Snipe_You_Out -- 9th with 22 comments
PDB (Pspdemoboy) -- 10th with 20 comments
KR (Killingremmie) -- 11th with 18 comments
Oscarlord -- 12th with 17 comments
Risi -- 13th with 16 comments
Woozy (Woozienebunu) -- 14th with 15 comments
Ootp -- 15th with 14 comments
Live4thepackers 16th with 13 comments
Johnny Fox -- 17th with 12 comments
Marksman and Icstars2 -- 18th with 11 comments

Here is the full list of people who have posted in my blog, the number represents how many comments they have posted. (Note: this was copied straight out of the document I was typing the results in so the names probably have spelling mistakes )

Oscarlord 17
HG 77
spongeidiot 22
SSJ100Vegeto 1
Risi 16
MC 97
live4thepackers 13
gamesharkdude 7
blackchewbacca 5
george15gamer 7
Zerocrossings 8
canana 65
Thaumaturgy 4
the_tomboy 1
foolio 25
12345nam 9
funnychick 1
Johnnyfox 12
Snipe_You_Out 22
spidyredx 1
icstars2 11
adawg 4
freakyzeeky 45
pspdemoboy 20
zabaes 1
geddy_lee 3
da_monsta 7
Artiebillymac 7
jaykho 7
jcwordlife 3
Thorpe 1
seasponge 3
shuriken_ninja 3
kunia_ninja 1
amward 23
ootp 14
PSORngr 1
Alpha_Zealot 4
John 2
Timma 51
iceman 4
tekmet 1
dave 7
Vidplayer 32
Morfessa 2
Deea 4
Doug 7
KR 18
blue_beret 3
apitz 2
Cas 7
The C0m1ssar 3
Marksman 11
Tyzervirus 1
jaanus 1
sephiroth 1
kaluca 6
Dj Dark 1
Woozy 15
Blade_Trainer 1
atomic duck 1
The Pro 9
Cashman 1
TurinPillager 1
Nymets 2
dev_ron 5
Soulkillah 2
Wizzardjeff 5
GK 6
druggyjoe 1
Greenpyro 2

ed 2

Now to say one more thing that I have said in all my 'Congratulations' blogs ages ago, thank you for commenting 8)

GS Community On Strike?

It seems a lot of people are really peeved off about Jeff getting fired. People have been deliberately not going on GS making this place even more inactive. People having been threatening to leave GS over this :shock: If you haven't already guessed, then yes, this is indeed the GS APOCALYPSE :o

But don't worry, if BF2142 has taught me anything, it is that sometimes the best plan for battle is taking cover. :P So let's take cover and hope that this all blows over 8)

I got banned...

At school I tried to log in and it said my account was disabled. :( However I knew why it was and heard that many other people's account got banned as well as mine. I just had to see it for my own eyes to prove it. Anyway, someone installed Counter Strike to the school's hardrive and everyone copied it to their account including me. I didn't really want to do it but one of my friends insisted so I did it. The sad part was, I never even got to play it :cry: Anyway the schools admin searched into it and disabled everyone account that included CS on it. The ironic part is that is basically all of my year groups account gone. Luckily my gamemaker teacher had mercy on me and enabled my account so I could continue the game I am creating. He didn't bother about anyone elses accounts because they do absolutely nothing anyway. But I was really relieved since I have 2 computer classes and would have been stuffed without an account.

Bad Time Lately

I have been a bit depressed recently. I am not going to go into full detail but here is a few things that have been getting to me. The heat is one of them. I hate heat. I prefer winter because if I am cold, I put a few rugs over me and that's fixed. What do I do to get away from the heat when trying to get to sleep. I take the rugs off and I am still hot. I turn the fan on and it doesn't do a thing put circulate the heat in the room.

Another thing is the fact that I am sick. I have had a few headaches and dizziness symptoms and I have been sneezing a lot more than usual (I always sneeze regardless because of allergies) And the one thing that has made me really down in the dumps...

My computer is stuffed up. When I say stuffed up, I mean disabled. When I say disabled I mean I can't use it full stop. How am I posting this blog, well I have a few computers connected up to the internet in the house. Well this isn't really a computer since this is actually a laptop I am using. Basically the same thing though but portable. Anyway this laptop can't play any games. I tried loading Halo on here and it spat the dummy. Anyway the computer that is stuffed up is going to be taken to a hardware store to get checked out. I just hope they don't go through any of my hardrive and what I have kept on it :roll: This also means I can't continue playing BF2142 for awhile :cry: Just when I installed the 1.4 patch too :(

Anyway I kinda screwed the point of saying 'I am not going into go into full detail' so for those people who can't be bothered reading detail, here is a summary of what you missed:

- It's hot
- I'm sick
- My PC is stuffed

There you go :P

New Game

I made a new game, it is a simple platformer unlike my other game where you just control a MK dude and catch ice things :P Anyway it is less graphical and has no sounds but it is worth a try. I also snuck in a few BF2142 tracks into the game. :P You may not understand some of the features the game has since I made it specifically for BOG Union. That is why the game is called Bog :P Anyway...

You can download the game from here

And read the instruction from here