...is complete. Please take a look at my review and recommend/don't recommend it, I'd appreciate it :)
Happy gaming!
...is complete. Please take a look at my review and recommend/don't recommend it, I'd appreciate it :)
Happy gaming!
I have now beaten Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (I actually beat it last Wednesday, but I felt like saying it now :)) and now I can move on to other stuff. Expect a Radiant DAwn review from me sometime soon (when I feel like doing it). I've alsogot some 40 stars in Mario Galaxy, which I plan to complete before the end of December.
In January, I go back to handheld gaming. I plan to purchase Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (which is why I'm currently playing Dual Strike), Contra 4, and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings all early next year. I also plan to purchase Brawl in February (DUH!) and when that happens, all other games mean nothing for at least two months :).
Last week, on December 3rd, a friend and I realized that we COULD have been playing the new Super Smash Bros., but no, we still had another 2 months and seven days to go! We are now 1 day short of 2 months away from the game. Am I the only one who is ripping out a couple of hairs everyday just waiting for this game!?!?
Anyway, I might as well discuss something brief here. I suppose if I had to pick a favorite new character so far, I'd have to go with Ike or Snake. Ike is cool because one: he's and Fire Emblem character and two: he's got an awesome sword and some sweet moves. Sounds cool. And Snake is cool because he's freakin' Snake! Snake's pretty cool.
Now, there are plenty of characters that I'm waiting to be added, too. No doubt, the number one character I'm waiting for is Ridley from Metroid. Ridley HAS to be a fighter in this game. I'm also hoping Ganandorf returns (which he probably will) and I would assume he'll be sporting his new Twilight Princess look, sword and all!
And how about a favorite stage? I'd have to say I like the new Zelda stage, The Bridge of Eldin. It's a gorgeous and simple stage.
So what about you guys?
Why not play Kane and Lynch you ask? Two reasons: one, I've heard it sucks. And of course, two, Gamespot employee Jeff Gertsmann has supposedly been fired because of it. That's right, a man was terminated for giving a bad review to, well, a game that deserved a bad review. There's more to it obviously, something about Eidos' advertisements for the game on Gamespot or something stupid like that. But still, FIRED for a review!? Well, that's definitely not idiotic.
The point I'm trying to make here is this: DON'T PURCHASE KANE AND LYNCH. Don't you dare support a crappy game that got a Gamespot legend fired from his job for being honest!
But Jeff, many of us will miss you. You've been with Gamespot for as long as anyone can remember and your legacy will live on. I've liked you and hated you (particularily your Twilight Princess review!) but you were a great member of the Gamespot crew. I raise my Mountain Dew to you.
I, like many of you reading this blog post, am currently playing too many games. Right now I'm finishing up Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and I'm about a quarter of the way done with Mario Galaxy. Hell, I haven't even finished Metroid Prime 3 yet! Not to mention the fact that I have unfinished handheld games like Puzzle Quest and Pokemon Pearl.
Now, I wouldn't be so worried if there weren't so many good games on the Horizon. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin looks incredible as does No More Heroes and (of course) Smash Bros. Brawl! Man, I have a lot of games to finish in the next two months. So I'm just wondering, has anyone else found themselves flooded with games lately!?
Ahh, the first year of the Wii's lifespan passes by; and what a fine year it was! With great starting games like Wii Sports and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to recent masterpieces like Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Super Mario Galaxy, the Wii had a solid first 12 months of gaming. As of this day my current Wii collection is (in the order that I bought them:
Wii Sports
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Metal Slug Anthology
SSX Blur
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Wii Play (my brother bought this one)
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Super Mario Galaxy
A fine list if I do say so myself! This, of course, doesn't include my VC collection, which has games like Super Metroid, F-Zero, Contra III and more. I think I have 18 total or something like that. The point I'm making here is that the games in the Wii's first year were quite impressive, and 2008 already looks incredible (Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart Wii) and beyond that, who knows what might happen!
Raise your Mountain Dew, Miller Light, orange juice, or whatever you've got, and here's to another awesome year of Wii!
Anyway, now that that's over with, I'd like to share my story of the day I got my Wii. Twas a good day I tell you. I woke up at about 10 or 11 AM on Saturday, November 18. It was my birthday and I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to get myself! A WII!!! Now, I knew that it would be a good idea to go to Wal Mart quick and see if there was anyone there. To my surprise, there was already a few people waiting in the layaway section. This is surprising because I live in a South Dakota town, about 17,000 people is all, so I wasn't expecting anyone to be there, at least not that early! I asked the guy working there how many Wii's they would have at midnight, he said 20. I thought to myself "oh crap, I better hurry!". I drove home and got a check from my mother. I arrived at Wal Mart at about 2:30 and went to the layaway section, THERE WERE MORE PEOPLE!
I asked what I was supposed to do. There were 20 chairs, each one with a number of 1-20. I was number 16. Alright, I was for sure going to get a Wii. The only downside... I HAD TO SIT AND WAIT FOR 9 AND A HALF HOURS!!!! Whew, this kind of sucks. Anyway, while I'm sitting in chair number 16, I called my friend up on my cell phone. He was in another town about 60 miles away with his dad. Our original plan was to go to Wal Mart at 11 or so that night and wait for our Wii's. Luckily I made the decision to go early and see if anyone was there. My friend didn't believe that anyone would be there, but I had a hunch. Anyway, I call him up and tell him that there's only 4 spots left. He immediately hung up the phone and drove his butt 60 miles back to town.
I called him frequently to see how close he was. By the time he was just a couple of miles away, all 20 spots were taken. I told him this and he was bummed, but he still decided to come because I was bored and he wanted to come just for the experience. Ihad him stop by my house and grab my DS and he brought his along with some pizza-flavored goldfish.
So we sat around for hours and hours, which actually felt like days and days. Me and my friend played DS, ate goldfish, and waited for midnight. I was also frequently calling my friend from across the state as well. He gave $250 to a friend of his who was going to a store to get a Wii at midnight . His friend's friend was not getting a Wii, but decided to go anyway and since it's only one Wii per system, perfect setup for my friend to get a Wii. Haha, confusing? Anyway, me and my friend called each other often just to talk about how excited we were, we were practically pissing our pants.
So let's fast forward to about 11 PM. We're one hour away and all 20 of us people are bored out of our minds. Me, my friend, and a few other guys came up with an idea to walk around the store without losing our spots: carry the chairs with us! So here's about five or six guys walking around Wal Mart at near-midnight carrying blue chairs over their heads. After joking around in the entertainment section for a while, we decided to go back since there was about 20 minutes left. Those 20 minutes went by so slow I can't even explain it. But at about 11:58 PM, a couple of guys rolled out exactly 20 Wii's on a cart. What a sight it was, everyone was taking pictures.
At approximately 12:15 AM, I was holding my newly purchased Wii. Me and my friend walked out of the store almsot silently. He went to his car and I went to my now frost-covered truck and placed the Wii next to me. I simply smiled and drove off into the cold, November night. We went to my friends house and unpacked everything. I'll never forget what it felt like holding that remote for the first time: awesome! We had just unpacked everything when the phone rang. It was my friends parents, calling because they were out drinking that night and needed a ride home. My friend was pretty peeved and left to pick them up. I continued to figure out how to plug everything in a what not. After my friend got back, we plugged it all into his room and started up the Wii, making a 40 minute video documentary. We turned the system on and, to our surprise, we had to name the console! We ended up naming it Stuii (get it, Stuii! Like "Stewie" but spelled with two i's! Haha, I crack myself up). We had a blast playing Wii Sports and eventually went to bed at 4 AM or so. I went home the next day and played Twilight Princess and more Wii Sports. Twas an awesome day.
Anyway, that's my story. I'll never forget it, what an experience.
I purchase Mario Galaxy not long ago and I'm still on part 3 of Radiant Dawn (man it's getting tough!). I forsee Galaxy becoming an amazing experience and RD is already an amazing experience.
Well, Mario Galaxy is my last videogame purchase for the year and, well, probably my last game purchase until Brawl in February. Man, I gotta say, spending $100 in a week wasn't too much fun and I'm glad I won't have to worry about buying a game for a while since I've got plenty to do.
I wish all happy gaming as I will be quite busy with my Wii for the next few weeks.
A 6.0!? I don't ****ing think so. Terrible plot!? Doesn't make full use of the Wii remote!? "Punishing difficulty"?WHAT THE HELL, GAMESPOT!?!?
Sure, the plot isn't quite as epic as PoR, but "terrible!? No. Doesn't make use of the Wii controls!? WHY THE HELL DOES IT NEED TO!? IT'S A STRATEGY GAME MORONS! Punishing difficulty!? It's not THAT hard people, plus you can play on easy, normal, or hard.
I have no more trust in Gamespot's reviews. And I'm not just saying this because I'm a Fire Emblem fan. Read the review yourself and tell me it's not complete BS. I wasn't expecting the game to get a 9.0 or anything, but a 6.0 is damn harsh.
Gamespot, get a new review crew or just leave the business because you suck.
Just got done with Part 2 of RD, and I gotta say, I'm impressed with it so far. I love the characters this time around and the levels have been challenging (sometimes frustrating). And that cutscene after Part 2 Endgame... absolutely breathtaking. I can't wait to continue!!!
Gamespot just posted it's review of Galaxy, giving it a beautiful 9.5! Man, I just purchased Radiant Dawn and I already want another game! Looks like I'll be playing 2 games at once these next few weeks.
Gaming just got awesome again.
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