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Sorry about the lack of posts lately..

I've been pretty busy with school and activities and usually when I'm home, I'm too tired to really post on GS (and even play games sometimes). Luckily things are cooling down and with Brawl coming in a short (but oh so long) 3 weeks, I'll be back on and more active soon ;)

Today was the day...

... that Brawl was originally scheduled for release. I woke up with a tear in my eye this morning.. :(

Oh well. Only four more weeks..

R.I.P. Heath Ledger

You heard right. Heath Ledger, star of Brokeback Mountain and the actor playing the Joker in the upcoming The Dark Knight film, is dead at 28. He will be missed, and hopefully his last performance as the Joker will be a truly memorable one.

I think I might just sleep until March 9th...

Please tell me somebody else is having this problem. You're trying to find something to do until Brawl's delayed March 9 release date, but you just can't. Just knowing Brawl is on the horizon doesn't make you want to do anything but sit around and wait for it.

I'm having this problem. I try to play a game to pass the time, but most of my games just don't seem worthy enough! For the most part, I've been playing Melee lately, just wishing I was playing Brawl. This wouldn't be so bad if Brawl was still set for Feb 10!!! Seriously, that announcement for the delay just killed me. I feel like I've got nothing to do. March 9th can't come soon enough.

Does anyone else think Nintendo should do this while we're waiting for Brawl!?

Ok, since SSBB has been delayed for another month (Oh God, no), I thought of something that I think many other gamers have thought of: Nintendo should send a free downloadable demo of the game to all Wii owners. I mean really, it wouldn't be that tough. Give us four characters and stages and viola! Gamers anxious to play the game can wet their appetites until March 9. It's unlikely that they'll actually do this, but they should do it as an apology for making us wait another month longer!!!

Attention all online Wii and DS gamers! Join the StratiPlay forum!

Hello fellow Nintendo Wi Fi gamers! My buddy Conbob and I have created a forum to discuss Nintendo games and to set up online matches for games like Mario Kart, Medal of Honor Heroes 2, and Smash Bros. Brawl (when it comes out of course). Please join the forum so we can have a growing community of gamers to talk about Nintendo and Wi Fi!

Here's the link. Add it to your favorites after joining our forum! Also, please make your user name the same as your gamespot name as we will also be making a union on gamespot and we don't want to deal with people having more than one username.

5 games and 5 movies that I'm looking forward to in '08...

Since I've listed my favorites of 2007, it only makes since that I list the games and movies that I'm looking forward to in 2008.

Most wanted games

5. Sonic RPG (DS)


Well, we haven't seen or heard a whole lot from this upcoming RPG for the DS, so how can I possibly be excited for it? One word: Bioware. Yes, Bioware, the company that developed the Knights of the Old Republic series and the recent masterpiece Mass Effect, is developing an RPG for the DS starring that little blue hedgehog. Hopefully the game will make it's '08 release and hopefully it'sthe satisfying adventure we can expect it to be.

4. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)

I absolutely loved Advance Wars: Dual Strike, and I can expect the sequel to be equally as satisfying. The new post-apocalyptic setting adds plenty of interest to the game and the award winning gameplay looks like it's going to return with all new units and features.

3. No More Heroes (Wii)

I never played Killer 7... and I wish I had. It's a cult ****c for the Gamecube that most people missed out on. The next game from the creative mind of Suda 51, No More Heroes, looks to be even stranger and more exhilarating than it's spiritual predecessor.

2. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Wii)

Tossing enemies for distance.  Electrified distance.

It's about damn time we get the next epic Star Wars game. Not only will the story be incredible and reveal new things about the Star Wars universe, but the gameplay should also be intense. Seriously, the trailer shows stormtroopers getting tossed around like rag dolls and Darth Vader's apprentice takes down a freakin' Star Destroyer!

1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

Surprise, surprise. Seriously, do I even need to say how Earth-shattering this game will be? Let me just say that whoever I play against online better be ready to have hisbutt kicked.

Most exciting movies

5. Jumper

Jumper Movie Stills: Jamie Bell, Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson, Doug Liman

The trailer really got my attention for this one. I never read the novel, but I can tell their is a great story rolling around in Jumper. Add to that the cast includes two from Star Wars (Hayden Christensen and Sam Jackson) and you've got a promising action flick.

4. Cloverfield

Cloverfield Movie Stills: Michael Stahl-David, Mike Vogel, Odette Yustman, Matt Reeves

The mystery surrounding this film is unmatched. Seriously, it wasn't even given the title "Cloverfield" until about two months ago, and the trailer and commercials have not revealed what the monster looks like. It'll be an interesting film for sure, especially considering the film is in the ****of the Blair Witch Project in which the movie is from the perspective of a home video.


3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Movie Stills: Harrison Ford, Ray Winstone, Shia LaBeouf, Steven Spielberg

Indiana Jones returns with his fourth movie, and the first one in nearly two decades. Mr. Ford might be an old man now, but he's still got it when you take into consideration that he's doing most of the stunts himself. It'll be great to see a new Indiana Jones film!

2. Iron Man

Iron Man Movie Stills: Robert Downey, Jeff Bridges, Terrence Howard, Jon Favreau

I've been waiting for a live action Iron Man movie since the beginning of time. With a great lead actor as Iron Man and a promising trailer, the movie has me pumped.

1. The Dark Knight

Hell. Yes. Batman Begins was one incredible film and it was very likely that a sequel would be coming. With Christopher Nolan at the helm and the majority of the cast returning, The Dark Knight should be just as good as Batman Begins. There is one thing, however, that will make this film pass it's predecessor: The Joker. The greatest Batman baddie returns with a promising actor in the role. If Heath can pull off an amazing performance as the Joker, this film will leap spades over all other superhero films.

My Top 5's of 2007

Well, it's January 1, 2008, which means that the year 2007 is now a thing of the past. I've compiled a little list of my favorite games and films of 2007.

Top 5 Wii games

5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

It's addicting, it's fun, and it's great at parties. Activision made a smart move bringing the series to the Wii as it's already become clear that Wii owners love to get in touch with their inner rockstar.

4. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

Resident Evil 4 is one of the greatest games of all time. The Wii version of the game is also the ultimate version to own because of the extras and the fantastic new control scheme.

3. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Fire Emblem is one of the greatest strategy series of all time and the latest game stays true to that fact. The games length is insane and the story is quite interesting and full of twists.

2. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Metroid Prime is, on many gamers' lists, the greatest game on the Gamecube. The second game fell a little short of greatness, but the third and final entry in the series just about surpasses the original with fantastic FPS controls and superb graphics.

1. Super Mario Galaxy

Surprised? You better not be. If you own a Wii and you don't have Super Mario Galaxy, then why do you have a Wii!? Mario Galaxy combines flawless platforming action with gorgeous worlds to explore and a nice set of music to listen to. SMG will go down in history as one of the greatest games ever made.

Top 5 DS games

5. Mario Party DS

The party is back and this time on the Nintendo DS! MPDS makes the series fun again with fantastic mini-games and superb graphics that can be enjoyed in multiplayer with only one game card!

4. Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords

What a surprise. This game came out of no where and critics fell in love. I read the reviews and just had to check it out for myself. It's definitely as good as the reviews say because of it's incredible length and addictive gameplay.

3. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

The Legend of Zelda series has always been one of the most beloved series in gaming. The newest entry for the Nintendo DS proves that no matter what system he's on, Link can play one darn good game.

2. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl

I don't care how old I am, Pokemon is still a great series of games to play. The latest entries, Diamond and Pearl, bring back the fun of trying to catch 'em all. The online play also adds to the lasting appeal.

1. Contra 4

Awesomeness has never been this awesome. The king of side-scrolling shooters and hard ass games returns with Contra 4. This latest entry is possibly the toughest in the series, but at the same time it's also the most fun. The extras are fantastic and co-op is a blast. If you love a challenge or just a good shooting game, please buy Contra 4 and boost it's sales so we can get a Contra 5 soon :)

Top 5 films

5. 300

300 was just awesome. It didn't have the best story or Oscar-worthy acting, but the action scenes made up for that and then some. The art direction is incredibly creative and the battles are intense.

4. The Simpsons Movie

The Simpsons Movie was just hilarious. Most of the movie ended up funnier than any episode of the TV show I've ever seen.

3. Spiderman 3

While not quite as good as the first two films, Spiderman 3 ended up being a very satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. Sandman was awesome and Harry ended up stealing the show with a fantastic performance. It's just too bad Venom didn't get much screen time and is apparently dead...

2. Transformers

Transformers was everything I hoped it would be. The robots looked impressive thanks to some of the best CGI work ever put into film and Shia Labeouf gave a great performance, especially in the comedic side of things.

1. Live Free or Die Hard

Yippee-ki-yay! Live Free or Die has my vote for the greatest action film ever. EVER. The action scenes are fantastic (if a little over-exagerated) and Bruce Willis is still the man, even without hair.

Happy 2008!!!

YAY! It's exactly 12:00 in the morning on January 1, 2008 in my time zone right now! YAY 2008!

Happy new year, fools!

A Merry Christmas to all of my fellow Gamespotters!

Hey, Superzone here saying Merry Christmas to all of my fellow gamers. I think I'm about ready to go stuff my face with food right now, and later on play around with my insane gifts this year (which I will tell more about in my next blog post).
