Also, if this is a marketing ploy to get us to talk about the NextBox, then it has failed. Because the whole fiasco has pretty much made my decision. As of right now, I will NOT be getting the NextBox. I will be sticking with the PS4 and the WiiU.
Microsoft has to do something BIG to get me to even consider buying their next console. And even then I will be skeptical of buying their console, all because of Orth.
You know, ever since I became vocal over Micro$oft's decision here, I've been getting a lot of Xbox Live connection drops over the past few days. And I haven't had any drops for months.
This is a coincidence, right? They surely can't be offended and butthurt by a customer voicing their opinion, right?
Actually this all brings up an interesting point. Reviewers will have more power this coming generation over games that come out on the new Xbox. If this new one shuns used games, then people are going to have to spend their money more wisely. They will be looking at scores for this game more carefully, because a buy will be a "one-shot". Reviews and scores will be important.
Which means that publishers will have to pay Gamespot more money for better reviews for any game that comes out on the new Xbox.
@Redsyrup @videogamer008 Well, there is Playstation Plus, but that's optional. I wouldn't be surprised if we did see a form of Playstation Plus on the PS4.
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