@jecomans @blast880 Yeah man. I don't like online-only games either. I never play with other people. Even as much as I liked Journey and Dark Souls, I was pretty agitated when I saw other people in my world. MY world. Haaaaa. That's just how I am.
@devilsportal @Sutton @guitarist1980 @Enundr Yes it will, indeed. I'm not justifying it. We're talking science here! There's no justification in science!
Unless you're drunk after x amount of beers, and y equals the amount of your eyes open during a movie. Ok, I'll stop. No, friends. If you're not already drinking and smoking, DO NOT start. And I am being serious. Stay healthy and live a long fruitful life, and when you have children, pass on your wisdom to them.
@Enundr @guitarist1980 Milwaukee's Best? Icehouse? Busch? Probably PBR back in the day, before it became a new-age hippie-yuppy fad and they jacked up the price.
@guitarist1980 @Enundr I think we all have members in our family who have hit the bottles too hard. That too is an exact science. But it does feel good, I have to admit. Though the older I get, the harder it is to recuperate. Like Hank Jr. sings: "Hangovers hurt more than they used to." or something like that.
@fatee @guitarist1980 Unless you're talking about tangible numbers like the speed of light or how many beers it takes you to get drunk, yes, there are a lot of 'shroom patties in numbers.
@white_wind @Pomm51 Seems like there are a lot of articles here and pretty much everywhere that spin stories. But there seems to be a lot more of that going on here at gamespot lately.
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