@archangel079 Yeah, I hear ya. That's ONE screenshot of ONE angle. Like Jude Law and Ethan Hawke in Gattaca. They look nothing alike except for that ONE angle.
I don't think her likeness was ripped off. They do look similar, but not terribly so. MAYBE they could pass for sisters. Doesn't sound like she's really all that pissed off.
@VicariousWolf88 This current gen was the first time I did not buy more than one console. I bought the 360, and Oblivion is what sold me on it. When I bought an LCD, I bought another 360 because the original 360's did not have an HDMI out, and so I gave my old one away to make room for the new. I've always loved the playstaion as well, simply because the ps/ps2 era was just spectacular, but the price of the original ps3 was too steep, and so I opted for the 360. Bought the original xbox as well. I feel what your saying. I'm pickin up what you're layin down, and I've been gaming off and on since 1983 or 84, something like that... Too many beers ago. I'm going with the ps4 based on several notions, one of which is the slow creeps I don't want that are associated with the required Kinect. It's just too much. We don't NEED the eye to access the ps4. We just need a game to pop in the disc drive, and all is well. So this might be another gen that I only buy one console. It really is too bad. I'd like to have both, but to hell with recording me. This might be the gen that just altogether kills my gaming desires. All I can do is watch and listen.
Pole Position ftw.
And Pitfall.
And so many others. Anyone remember Sopwith Camel?
Sutton's comments