Fair enough. You think these things make the PS3 worht the money. I imported a PS3 (didnt want to pay the $900 it costs in Sweden) and I defintiely still do not think it has been worth the money.
Heavenly Sword is the best looking game to date. Art and graphic wise. Now that PS3 shows that it has better gaphics. I think the $600 dollars is more justifiable. here is a list why PS3 is worth getting. Dip set, No homoIt looks promising but I think you shoudl wait until the game is out before claiming something like this.
1. Best graphics of the new gen era
Debatable. Not a "truth". Obviously we will see great looking games for both consoles. The 360 have a more advanced GPU while the PS3 ahs the Cell.
2. Blu-ray format making space available for games. More space = More gaming
Again, Not a truth. The space extra of DVD didnt automatically make games better compared to CD games. Also considering the slower speed of Blue-.Ray it doesnt automatically mean games on the PS3 suddenly will be larger and better just because of Blue-Ray. There's a lot that can be done with texture compression etc.
3. Wi-fi connection. I can stream my media from my PC to my PS3 using it
No. you can only copy from your PC to your PS3. Proper streaming is something the PS3 yet can do. I've tried with my PS3 and so far not been lucky. The 360 streaming is far better right now. Also, I do prefer wired connection for streaming good quality video.
4. Bluetooth. Nobody looks cooler than a guy with a bluetooth earpiece screaming at the top of his lungs.
You got to be kidding. Not to mention the fact that the 360 has great wireless support. I got a wireless headset which works well. BTW - the fact they use bluetooth on the PS3 means I cannot use my nice Logitech Multi remote that I use for all my other stuff. That really sucks since I payed a lot for it.
5. This is a minute point, but the console is black. As Wesley Snipes says, Always bet on Black.
6. All PS consoles lasted over 8 years. No other console company can say that. Talk about $600 dollars going a long way.
To be honest I dont care if my PS3 or Xbox 360 lasts 4, 5 or 8 years. It is not the number of years that is important, it is the content of them. I've already had over 1 year of fun with the 360 and look forward to many years with both consoles.
7. Internet browser. I have a 52' Bravia, and youtube looks better on that than my 17' Viao LCD screen.
Personally I'm not that interested in surfing on my TV (been doing it on my Media Server earlier) but I guess it could be a plus.
8. Better equipped for the High Def era. HDMI lets me enjoy 1080p on my Bravia
Well, VGA does 1080p also. I feel quite happy with my 32" HD and the 360 (and the PS3). Nice high quality HD.
9. Blu-ray. Not only my TV is in HD, but I have a DVD player that plays in HD.
And yet it doesn't even upscale DVD's. I got the HD-DVd addon also and so far I've been more impressed with the quality of the HD-DVd movies than my Blueray movies.
10. Great games the even lemmings and sheep want: FFXIII, MGS4, and White Knights. Also, Rachet & Clank, Socom 4, Tekken 6, Resident Evil 5, Asassin Creed, God of War 3, Little Big Planet, Gran Turismo 5, Motorstorm, Devil May Cry 4, Kingdom Hearts 3, Dynasty Warriors, Virtua Fighter 5, EA sports games, and many many more.
Almost none of those here yet. And some coming to 360 also. And I'm sure theres games on the 360 you want also ;).
11. PS Home. Imagine visiting Square Enix "Home" and talk about the feature to the upcoming title FFXIV. Better yet, visit Nike "Home" and by the latest Jordans for your avatar. How about an exclusive custume for Kratos you won from a contest you won at Sony "Home". The potential is there.
How about first getting a Online service that works as well as Xbox Live? Unified friendslists, ability to do game invites fron inside games/outsides games etc. so far has me very dissapointed in PSN. The fact that not all games even have online support (Virtua tennis 3 for example) is jsut proof that Sony still has some way to go with PSN. Home sounds interesting but I want to see if it is more than MySpace/Sims/Secoind lifefirst. And of course Xbox Live will evolve to.
This is the reason you paying $600 for. If you on the fence about the PS3, my friend I say to you only making a safe investment if you buy one. Sony motto is "Difficult takes a day, Impossible takes a week"
My advice to people not sure yet is to wait until the games they want are out and the price comes down. I dont think it is worth the money yet.
Oh, and regarding Oblivion. Of course there is a reason the game can be improved on the PS3 over the 360. They have had lots of extra development time to polish stuff.
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