incredibly bad you mean? yeaaaaah.... thats what i though. the game is straight up stale and mediocre.Roland123_basic? It doesn't revolutionize anything, but it has the best story in any MMO I've ever seen.
Swedish_Chef's forum posts
The game is okay in tier 1 and okay in tier 4, but everything in between is a a wasteland.
I subbed a few months ago and got my first level 40 and thought I'd finally be able to hang and compete in T4, but that's just wrong. It takes well over a year to get your renown to respectable levels AND to take part in enough city sieges to get your gear. It is maybe the biggest, most useless grind, I have ever seen in any MMO.
[QUOTE="Swedish_Chef"][QUOTE="mattpunkgd"] I DO NOT WANT TO BE TOLD WOW!!! I cannot play wow its horrible.Elann2008Have you tried it recently? WoW got pretty boring for me, and leveling a new character was unbelievably annoying, but in the 4.0.3 patch they changed everything about the original game and it is infinitely more fun to just play through. I usually hate quests, but I started a new character and was so entertained by one of the new major quest chains that I did every single quest I could from level 1-60 before I had to leave Azeroth to keep leveling. I ended up doing something like 650 quests in about 5 days because I was so entertained, never have I gone through that content so fast. Sounds interesting. When you say they changed everything about the original game as in vanilla WOW, or everything after vanilla WOW? Just curious because I prefer the vanilla WOW days and I have quit playing WOW since. My only condition if I do start playing WOW again would be to start out as a Worgen.
They changed all of the vanilla zones. The cataclysm either physically altered zones (like thousand needles is all under water now) or changed a faction's motives for being in the zone (horde took over southshore, and most of hillsbrad). Honestly the new level 1-60 content is the best content they've ever added to the game. I usually got stuck a few times leveling to 58 and aching to get into outland, but it was completely the opposite after 4.0.3, the quests took me all the way to 61 before I was forced into outland where my leveling speed and enjoyment plummeted.
I wasn't in the beta for cataclysm, but if worgen have quests that are anything like the undead chain then you should definitely like it. The only problem is you probably wouldn't be able to trial the game as a worgen, since it's a cataclysm race.
and made getting around in classic zones a whole lot harder than it already was
That is in no way true. They made is ridiculously easier to get around. Hell, most of the time they will transport you in some way from quest hub to quest hub, or zone to zone when you're ready to move on. If that doesn't scream easy I don't know what does.
I DO NOT WANT TO BE TOLD WOW!!! I cannot play wow its horrible.mattpunkgdHave you tried it recently? WoW got pretty boring for me, and leveling a new character was unbelievably annoying, but in the 4.0.3 patch they changed everything about the original game and it is infinitely more fun to just play through. I usually hate quests, but I started a new character and was so entertained by one of the new major quest chains that I did every single quest I could from level 1-60 before I had to leave Azeroth to keep leveling. I ended up doing something like 650 quests in about 5 days because I was so entertained, never have I gone through that content so fast.
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