Can someone please explain to me one thing. If Ubisoft doesn't want Vivendi to buy their share, why Ubisoft are selling them? Don't sell them and Vivendi won't take over the share thing. I just don't get it.
Are you stupid enough? Comparing this joke 399 system to mighty PC? My PC it has 32GB of ram ddr4 2400, I7 6000K 6 cores, gtx 980 4GB Vram, 4TB hbss, 3 ssd drives are there, Benq monitor 2560x1440 144 frame rate, and windows 10. How can this 399 4k joke system will prevent people from switching to a PC? H eh eh he.
@madgame23: We need more people like you. I am doing same thing by not supporting these greedy companies any more. As half of their games are only demos and not full game. EA is another greedy company who is dying to make money and fooling people with their trash.
They don't create good games any more and only demos or fooling people by bringing 200 old Resident Evil games into HD which they are not. I personally, stopped supporting this company long time ago.
Capcom got nothing to do just releasing all these useless old Resident Evil games over and over. Using the brand name of the series to make sales. You can keep it Capcom.
They are dying just to catch up Sony's PS4 sales numbers and they are failing as always. He he he useless deals and will never will catch up with the PS4.
And how about the terrible servers that has been hacked? Did you guys fix that or just spent 3 minutes on 4 levels making them look like great? No more wasting money on cod crap games.
Syphon_Filter2's comments