This is only a demo not full game as it was with Battlefield 4. Anyone who will buy this demo. They will only waste 60 dollars for nothing. EA claims that DICE is their best developers and after 3 years developing this game. They came out with 12 maps and asking 50 dollars for season pass and the PC beta has been hacked already and its horrible. Good luck with those 13 million lies. I have made one mistake by buying Battlefiled 4 for my PC and no more of buying any thing from EA crap.
@drysprocket: You are correct about calling Clash Of Clans. What a stupid company and they just want to get money from useless things. I will trade this horrible game and I never knew it was going to be like that.
@MAGIC-KINECT @Trol1yFartsy @Syphon_Filter2 Just make sure you pass your math class by 50 if you would manage or have your average between 50 or 55. It would be cool. Chlamydia.
If Nvidia created the GPU for PS4 and Xbox 1. He would say "oh my God these 2 consoles have super video cards!" And today AMD will reveale their new video card Hawai RX which will be better than Nvidia video card Titan that cost 1000 dollars and its cheaper. The guy is so mad and no wonder why he said that. He he he he he (:
@legomyego21 @Syphon_Filter2 I will never buy any cars and even warned my friends. I will steal cars and they are not big deal. My half million is gone for no reason. Thanks for the advice.
@CruiserCaptain @Syphon_Filter2 I know man and I said to my self. No more buying cars and never. I have wasted 250,000 with Michael and Franklin and as you said. I should have bought property it was better. And it seems its hard to get money to buy things that cost millions.
Syphon_Filter2's comments