@spindie I agree that I wasn't very impressed when I first got the game. Played it for around 10 hours to give it a chance and was never really drawn in. However, I just came back to it a week ago now that the modding scene has had plenty of time to do their work and it's an amazing difference. Graphically it looks stunning with various texture mods and ENB applied. In terms of gameplay I suppose it will depend on what exactly you are looking for, but there is a huge selection of mods out now that can improve/tailor the game to your liking. I find that while I didn't really enjoy it when it came out, it's great now DUE TO MODS. I guess the question is, do you think a game can be considered "game of the generation" based on content that wasn't even made by the developers? Or does only the vanilla game count in which case it was pretty lackluster. Another possible view is that it doesn't matter and just dgaf =) At the end of the day these awards are pretty much meaningless. Just play the games you enjoy.
@mateyman Outwitters is a magnificent game. It's kind of a cross between Chess and Starcraft. There really isn't a suitable replacement for Outwitters as there isn't another TBS with a built in matchmaking and ranking system besides Chess itself as far as I'm aware. It's a shame Outwitters was such a financial failure despite glowing reviews.
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