@deathman023 Don't worry about it. When someone posts "tl;dr" or "cool story bro," it just makes them look like an uneducated idiot. Why does that bother you? Some people are stupid, get over it.
@otaku_4_lyfe Why do you care if other people think you're a hardcore gamer or not? Firstly, why do you care what random people think of you in the first place? Secondly, why do you care if you're considered 'hardcore'? Being hardcore isn't necessarily a good or bad thing. What's the big deal?
@bigkahunabuger portal 2 does not have a singleplayer section...only a game mode you can play by yourself...that shows gamestpot doesn't have a clue about games.
@Rickiej haha. That's funny for me to hear considering I played the demo for 20 hours. Of course, I had never played a Total War game before so the whole experience was new to me. I used a mod that opened up a ton of options so it wasn't the unmodded demo but actually had a lot more content. Still, compared to the full game, the demo was nothing and I still spent 2/3 of the time on it then you spent on the full game. =P
I find it hilarious that q8sauod's comment was hidden. All he said was that he didn't know there wasn't a reflection in the PS3 version of F3. He didn't say 'the PS3 sucks' or anything like that. Give it a break. (waits for Sony fanboys to thumb down this comment... ironic because I also have a lot sony products... ps3, psp, tv, dvd player, et cetera...).
Szeiden's comments