@Revolution_DDM I hate F2P games, but the thing is, that's only because now I have the ability to pay for P2P games. Back when I was in elementary/junior high etc I couldn't pay for P2P games and as such, even though I hated what a scam F2P games were I'd rather be able to play a somewhat ruined F2P game than nothing at all. What I don't understand is people who actually pay for microtransactions in these games... you might as well play a P2P game if you have the ability to spend money online in microtransactions in the first place.
@Pikdum I wouldn't say that. Many people hate f2p models and will avoid the game entirely in this case. Of the many additional people you get playing the game who wouldn't have otherwise, many of them won't pay a penny anyway while the people the lost by making it f2p over p2p were guaranteed to pay (since it's p2p =P).
"400,000 saying goodbye to Star Wars" While I'm sure there are other reasons, I guarantee many of these people include those who wanted KotOR3 and ended up just playing through 1 or 2 of the SWTOR story lines as a singleplayer experience before moving on.
@Shawshoe Seriously, this kind of business practice promotes piracy. Buy the game -> download a pirated version -> don't have to deal with DLC nonsense. No DRM is an added bonus. Devs still get their money, the consumer gets to experience the game like they would have 8 years ago when all this extreme monetization bs was less prevalent.
Now days when I click on an app in the appstore that looks interesting, as soon as I see an in-app purchases tab I click the back button. I don't even look at what the in-app purchases are. I'm just so sick of these manipulative devs... Yes, some apps actually make legitimate use of in-app purchases but that's rare these days. =/
@megakick That's good. Encourages users to buy the new game -> more money to the devs who actually made the game -> less money to the game store who contributed nothing.
Also a step in the right direction as far as free DLC goes (or should I say, a step BACK in the right direction since it used to be standard practice for DLC/updates to be free...)
@Agent-M It was just stupid how angry fanatics would be constantly thumbing down each others comments. I'm glad to see all this useless thumbs-up thumbs-down hate no longer getting thrown around. By the way, you liked the last two comments I wrote so don't say something like "you probably just always got thumbs down" =)
A spam button wouldn't be a bad idea though. It doesn't show anything until a comment receives something like 10 'spam votes' and then the comment is removed/hidden.
Szeiden's comments