@Alpr1010 New comment system is brilliant. No longer have to watch people thumbing down others simply because they have a different point of view. Absolutely worthless. Now what they could have is a spam system where, given 10 votes or something, removes the comment entirely. It's also nice that a layer of anonymity is removed (shows who likes a comment) so you really need to consider if you want to like something instead of giving mindless thumbs up. If they re-add dislikes they should also show who disliked what.
While I prefer Diablo's graphical style, after play D3 beta I'm looking forward more to Torchlight 2. Am I still going to get Diablo 3 on launch day? Yes. Do I think D3 is going to be a good game? Yes. But I'm honestly more excited for Torchlight 2. I'll still play both though, as Schaefer said, "There's room for more than one."
The review is hilarious but I do feel bad for the devs... It's their first game so it's not like they are just trying to milk customers. They just straight up failed when they tried. Quite sad =,(
@turboenx You're right. Either way it will be pirated. Either way pirates will get access to the singleplayer. Maybe it will take a day or two more. Maybe a whole week! *rolls-eyes*. Ultimately this just harms legitimate customers, not pirates. Yea sure, I'm down with requiring BNet to play multi so pirates really can't play multiplayer without a ton of work setting up something like SC2's starfriend 'lan' program, but not for singleplayer.
@DragonRift "Seriously, this "annoyance" was whined about months ago. Get over it already." Yea that's right. When something you have a problem with remains unfixed after a long enough period of time you should just stop caring about it. Yea. I mean come on guys. North Korea for example. Old news. They've been a nuisance forever, time to forget about them. Really now? This is how devs get away with things. "If we ignore the issue long enough it will become 'old news', our customers will become resigned to the fact that it's not going to change, and they'll buy our product despite their dissatisfaction at the lack of feature X."
Szeiden's comments