@yoda101280 @dbene But the ignorant child who get their history lesson from video games like this are not the only ones who will suffer it. People like that eventually spread such "knowledge" to future generations. Then other children who actually want to learn are going to be presented this kind of crap. A perfect example is the BS Oliver Stone movie, JFK. Many of the following generations actually view Lee Harvey Oswald as a victim.
GRRR! THESE POLITICIANS ARE MAKING ME SO ANGRY, I COULD JUST SHOOT SOMEONE! Oh, wait. I can just release my anger shooting someone on my video game. Never mind.
I would like to bring up historical figure, Billy The Kid, who shot and killed numerous people, including the town Sheriff, and had quite a pleasure doing it, I might add. And guess what. He NEVER played a video game.
You know, these political proposals are pissing off a lot of gamers. Gamers who have seen various ways to kill via video games. Notice however, none of us have killed or attempted to kill any politicians for making us so angry. Just thought I'd mention.
TC_Squared's comments