I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but I decided years ago that I will not buy the next Xbox console until it has been out for a few years and proven that it won't fry itself. I'm not only referring to the RRoD; remember how the DVD Drive on the original Xbox would suddenly stop reading disks? I went through 3 or 4. They have a bad reputation of durability in my book, and that alone has led me to buy any other company's new console before theirs. I've never had to replace a Sony, Nintendo or Sega (man, the Genesis was invincible).
@shingui5 @anotherone10 Good point. What technology era is he living in? With how easily a person can video record an event with their phone, then post it on the internet, word nowadays spreads like a wild fire.
@Kelleyb4947 @obsequies @FlawlessGoBot @Godly_Kongming OMG, you're right. If MS doesn't provide proper competition against Apple, we will ALL become zombies like on that episode of The Simpsons.
@DarkBloodPrince @TC_Squared @FlawlessGoBot @Godly_Kongming The Zune did look really cool. Just about the time I was considering getting one, MS discontinued it.
@FlawlessGoBot @Godly_Kongming Just because they can afford it doesn't mean they are going to do it. At the end of the day they are still a for-profit company, and if it doesn't go well for them, they may call-it-quits. Just look at Zune.
Ummm...On the right hand side of THIS page...just under the "Hot Stories" section...the first story listed is Sony inviting gamers to 'see the future' February 20.
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