i just wish the game was not so god damn blurry. Everything on high and it still looks like i'v been punched in the face with blurry vision.apart from that i am enjoying the game, and its not Pay 2 Win, as everything can be bought with in game XP, will just take a while like all Free 2 Play games, which is fine.
i would bloody hope so to. As the last dlc will come out in march/april 2013 time and in 6-7months after you will release another battlefield game is just shocking and stupid.....
I pray this will be Battlefield 2143, if so i can understand as 2142 was a very different game from bf2. So i hope it will be 2143 that comes out next year. I will not buy it if its another modern day shooter...
@KingOfTheNubeis i hope it is 2143, i want my titans, mechs, Commander mode and god dam pc squad voice chat. I really cant see them doing ANOTHER modern day fps a few months after the last BF3's DLC in 2013. It has to be 2143...i hope :-)
i just hope to God that Battlefield 4 will be Battlefield 2143. It makes sense if it is, as BF3 last dlc will be march 2013, next bf game will come out on Oct 2013 'like always' but i cant see them doing ANOTHER modern shooter. It has to be 2143, it just has to be.........
@cynicalundead yea i know that lol, but they are just popping 'clipping' in and out of the screen. They dont use the full screen for animations, they just appear all of a sudden. Thats why i say teleport...
as much as i cant stand D3 anymore, its not Blizzard fault, they dont need to comment on this nore should they have to. Its the boy's own fault for being so stupid and not stepping away for food and rest....Its no one else fault but its own, harsh but true...