@Lynx_7 @THMBZDownGNZUp I get what you're saying, and too be honest my post was more or less tongue in cheek with my referencing of Skyrim. However, I stand by my words of open-world Pokemon and Zelda. And now that I think about it, I agree with what you say about an open-world Mario not offering much to do. Just what I remember playing on Super Mario 64 felt open-world to me however linear it may have been.
Let's take the idea of an open-world Pokemon RPG. The dialogue choices wouldn't be as much optional as they would be required, like how dialogue in handheld Pokemon is. Pokemon battle sequences would play like any JRPG out there would, i.e. turn-based. The difference here is that world exploration and gameplay would play like most WRPGs. So it would be a combo of RPG styles.
Now let's discuss Zelda. Just like newer Mario games, I haven't played any newer Zelda games. However, I've seen that the worlds are expansive and gameplay involves sword fighting and magic, so with a tad more RPG elements, this IP could become Nintendo's Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls, Witcher, etc.
What you said about Mario having open-world elements but still retaining linearity makes sense, and as I said I agree with you that Mario in itself probably wouldn't provide much to do gameplay-wise if it were exclusively open-world.
To be succinct, Nintendo would be raking in the cash if they would consider releasing their best games to fit popular trends in gaming, such as open-world RPGs.
Wii U sales would boost to infinity if Nintendo released an open-world 1st-/3rd-person Pokemon RPG that plays similar to Skyrim. That, as well as reboots of Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Stadium, would make nostalgic Nintendo 64-era gamers want a Wii U.
Then, release an open-world 1st-/3rd-person Zelda RPG that plays similar to Skyrim, and also an open-world Super Mario reboot such as Super Mario 64. Sony and Microsoft would forever play catch-up in sales because they would never match Nintendo with IPs like these.
PS Vita is going to be such an integral part of PS4 that prices will drop. I predict Sony will put a price drop on PS Vita upon release of PS4, Sony will sell a PS4/PS Vita bundle, or both. This, as well as having more games launch for and have compatibility with both PS4 and PS Vita, will quadruple sales in the U.S. just like they did in Japan.
If this happened to become true, it would be perfect for Crytek to advertise Homefront 2 as the first big shooter on the Xbox 720 that spring, that is, both assuming Homefront 2 will be released in spring 2014 and Microsoft will be supporting Homefront 2 like it did with the first Homefront, such as with exclusive content.
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