After 6 years GC has sold 22 million systems. After 2 years 360 has sold 18 million systems and after 1 year PS3 has sold 11 million systems. how are they selling at GC levels?
Action-Devil May Cry 4 Music-Rock Band FPS-CoD4 Adventure-Legend of Zelda: OoT Platforming-Super Mario 64 Racing-Burnout 3 RTS-Pixeljunk Monsters Puzzle-Portal Unique-LocoRoco TPS-RE4 Side Scrolling-Super Mario Bros Fighting-Super Smash Brothers Melee
It looks very clear that Gears 2, Too Human, Ninja Gaiden 2, and Fable 2 are 360's biggest offerings in 2008. with the exception of NG2, not too impressed. though Gears 2 might impress i guess. the trailer was alright
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