your right it does look suspicious. however, the picture Game Informer posted shows the name being "TheVideoGames" and the one posted in the new pictures looks like it says "Mr Troy(?)" clearly shorter and with a space in there. also, the GI picks show 3 messages and in the new ones it looks like there is 1 though i guess it could be a 3. also, the point number under his name in GI is 4 digits and the one in the new picture is 3. im not writing these pics off as real just yet but im not confirming theyre fake either. could it just be a really good guess on GI's part and a coincidence that they both choose that Ratchet picture? maybe?TOTAL_DEFENSE_0
no you know what now looking at them again, i'm pretty sure they are fake. the clouds in the background of the new pics perfectly match the clouds in the background of the GI pics. also, in the new pics the "Accomplishment Complete" box covers up the spot in the GI pics where it says game paused.
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