Hands up who was stupid enough to think that Cyberpunk 2077 would work well on a base Xbox One or a standard PlayStation 4?
Right… all those with your hands up… a secondary question… why?
There was a reason they only ever showed it running on an Xbox One X or a PC… and it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand why that was.
My first run was split between the Xbox Series X and an Xbox One X and, while it crashed a lot, I never experienced any serious game breaking bug at any point in around 110 hours… a year later, playing the PS4 version on a PS5 it crashed even more despite a years worth of patches… texture pop in was rampant, especially on long car journeys, and it crashed once during the closing credits.
A year later and my third run through, on the actually PS5 version was a slightly better affair… not so many texture issues, far less crashes… a second Platinum Trophy on my card… and even though I’d played it all twice before, there are elements of the end game that still had an emotional effect on me.
For all the criticism (somewhat deserved, but partially also the fault of anyone who answered yes to me original question) CD Projekt Red had given us a very, very good story.
Now it’s time for the DLC… a little late to the party perhaps… but something I’m prepared to play, and potentially double dip on across at least 2 versions available to me… I’m starting with the PS5 version, after Starfield I need a change of controller.
Entering Dogtown
Not going to lie… that the location for the DLC was already part of the map feels a little bit of a con, and that the size of said location is fairly small doesn’t do it any favour either… and given the size would it have been so hard for the Presidents jet to crash land elsewhere?
It takes a while to get used to the new skill set up, and to get used to the game again after a while away… I was looking for my favourite hacks in the skill tree, forgetting they weren’t there in the first place.
I can still use my old tactic of trying to take out most groups of enemies without even going near them… something I used extensively when it came to stealing a medical truck and delivering it to the fixer… too many cops chasing me, so second time around I took out all but 2 of the guards from distance (and running out of tracing range after each attack) which made the whole thing much simpler to complete.
What I hadn’t forgotten is that Cyberpunk is a damn fine looking game on PS5 and Series X, it looked pretty decent on the Series X before the “next gen” version released to be honest.
Naturally I’m ignoring the main plot as much as possible, but I’ve hit the point where that isn’t much of an option… the 2 side missions I haven’t done yet won’t unlock till near the end of the game, so it’s main plot from now on.
I know already that I need to make a save before I complete one of the main missions if I want to see all the possible endings and unlock the 4 Trophies… as there is also a changed ending to the main game if I complete 2 of the 4 that’s also on my to do list.
What feels a little off is that, while old Idris Elba is in there in character and supplied the voice work, everything else about him screams River Ward… down to the swagger as he walks and he’s dressed in a fairly similar manner and drives (may be wrong here) the same make and model vehicle.
And that feels a little cheap.
Some reviews have mentioned that the side missions aren’t of the same standard as the main game… which I have to agree with… and part of that is that the main game gave you a host of companion type quest lines that played out wonderfully… Judy, Panam, Kerry and River… there’s nothing like that here… and that hurts it.
One involving a Braindance user who, due to a power cut as he was mid dance, now believes he’s the actual person he was acting out in the Braindance… made more amusing by the character being a female punk and him… well… being almost the polar opposite… had potential, but ends terribly… it’s clear that the same level of care and attention put into these in the main game, hasn’t been applied here.
Nor are there any side mission quest lines like the candidate for Mayor who’s being brain washed, no equivalent to Sinnerman, nothing as absurdly funny as the guy with the penis implant that’s getting ready to explode… could this have been rectified with a whole new, bigger, play area added? Probably.
All this is a shame as some of the side quests in The Witcher (and the main game) are where the developers really shine… whereas, thus far, these feel like they’ve been shat out to pad the main story.
Sure a few other quests have been added to beef it up, stealing cars to order is one, but these all fall into two categories that I can see… one where you have a time limit to deliver it, one where you have to shake off a tail… I did have a single instance of being asked to bring it back in good condition, but I wasn’t informed of that till I was within sight of the drop off point.
Is it worth the £25 that I paid for it? Not really, sure it’s a big chunk of content, but how much of that was the revamp of the skill system? The removal of stat boosts for clothing? The cooldown for healing items and grenades?
Speaking of which, how come I ended the old game with 40-50+ health packs and now I’ve only got 3 of them?
Robbery I tell you… robbery.
Anyway… next session will be pushing onwards to the end game… where I feel I’ve barely scratched the surface so far.
October 2nd
Not sure if this was the way I played through the PS5 version as a whole, or just since I picked it back up… but my male nomad V is very much a “shoot first, ask questions later” type of guy… faced with a confrontation with a gang leader whilst helping out a boxer friend… straight in with the headshot before she had a chance to finish talking… faced with an Oil executive trying to expose a Brazilian agents indiscretions and it’s a head shot all day long.
Faced with over-helming odds on the way out of a party, in with the trash talk and out with the shotgun… lots of bodies being left behind… but killing people and looting them pays… at the start of the DLC my bank balance was under $10,000 and it’s now just short of $1million.
All the relic skills have been unlocked, the main story is progressing and I’ve a road map planned out to unlock all 4 endings in the DLC in the most time efficient manner.
October 3rd
I’m within touching distance of the end game… or at least two of the four of them are… Songbird is out in the wild and full Cyber-pyscho material… as the authorities have captured her you can guess the next mission.
All side missions done, Mr Hands controlling the new “ruler” of Dogtown and I hit the level cap again, scarily quickly this time… but then the Level 50 cap was hit probably half way through the main game so that shouldn’t come as a surprise.
It’s time to start Save-Scumming the endings… although I won’t get the chance to finish the game for a couple of days due to commitments outside gaming and work have my next two evenings taken care of.
End Game
Due to illness, I get more time than I had expected and slowly work through the 5 endings (4 in the DLC, 1 new main game ending) over 2 days… got to say… none of them can be really considered to be “good” endings.
You can hand Songbird into the Government… either alive or dead, alive gives you the option to see the new main game ending… but involves way too much stealth for me… working your way through to the Core of an old facility, avoiding a large attack droid that will kill you… very quickly indeed, and there are times you have to hide and wait… despite all my hacking prowess there was no way I could take it down… even shutting down the facilities security lockdown.
At the end of this you can save to make the two endings much easier to work through… all that changes are the dialogue scenes after where you hand the body over.
The other option is to help Songbird escape to a clinic on the moon to save her, because here you discover that the neural device you’ve stolen, which you believe would save you, can only be used once and she intends that to be for herself… you’ve been played.
This is much more a shooters ending, with an assault on a Spaceport to get her to the Shuttle… thankfully, there is another point you can save to work both endings… do you continue to help her, or do you turn her in for betraying you with the “once use” revelation.
Again, most of what changes are the dialogue scenes at the end, although if you help her you do get to shoot a Hollywood star before putting her in the shuttle… turning her in opens up the new main game ending as well.
And that new ending… turns out the device can’t help Songbird so they save you… at a huge cost, fast forward to 2 years later and a lot has changed, not just for you… Judy, Viktor, Misty, Panam etc have all moved on, some in massive ways… others accepting the hand they’ve been dealt… credits roll… the closing credit conversations with Rogue et al have also changed dramatically.
In the end it’s an enjoyable piece of content, reminding me why I loved the main game so much… but it’s let down by the really dull, almost bolted on, side missions that just aren’t a patch on those in the main game… where is the DLC version of Sinnerman?
It’s a 7/10 expansion… I’m not a fan of the way they changed stat boosts to being Perks and Skills from clothing items… the level of armour boosts I had in my clothing was obscene… all gone… not fair.
I’ll happily play a sequel… especially if they keep with the first person view which I thought worked really well… and it’s nice to see the game finally get the appreciation it deserves.
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